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I held my hands tightly around my body as I walked through the entryway of my house. My mom was beside me, one of her hands gently placed on my shoulder as she guided me through. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat ever since I stepped out of the car.

Upon entering the foyer, I was greeted with a warm, delicious smell of something baking in the oven. I glanced to the kitchen, seeing no sign anything violent ever happened. A nervous shutter ran up my spin and my mother actually took notice. "Why don't you go up to your room, yeah? I'll bring up some water and something to eat." My mom said, gently pushing me to go up the stairs. I didn't say anything and I went up the stairs, my bare feet tingling at the cold wood.

I entered my room, looking around it before noticing my phone still placed on my bed where I had left it just yesterday. I was attacked and almost 24 hours later, I was back at home. Against what my mother wanted, the doctor persisted that I was fine and perfectly capable of returning home. I walked to my bed, grabbed my phone and placing it on the charger just as there was a knock on the door.

Georgia smiled warmly, yet sadly at me as she held a tray of cookies and a glass of milk. "You're mother got a call, so she left for the office. She promised to be back tonight, though." I nodded, not really surprised she would leave so soon. Georgia set the tray of cookies on the edge of the bed and handed me the glass of milk. "How are you feeling, amor?" I stared down at the glass in hand, nodding, "I'm fine. I really just want to forget like it ever happened." Georgia gave me a sad smile, "I am here for you if you need anything, darling. There is a policia man at on the other side of the street until tomorrow morning." I thanked her and she left the room, getting the message that I really just wanted to be alone right now.

I set the glass of milk on the bedside table and grabbed my phone, seeing it blown with messages from both Kate and Justin. I quickly called my best friend.

"Oh my God I never thought I would be able to talk to you again!" Kate's voice immediately rang from the other side of the phone.

I smiled slightly, "Well, I'm here, alive and talking." I stood up and walked the joint bathroom to my room.

"Alex..I-I don't even know what to say. But, I'm sorry." Kate said, her whole demeanor changing suddenly.

I flicked on the light and looked back at myself in the mirror once again, "What? Kate, no. There is nothing for you to be sorry for. You're not the one who attacked me." I stated obviously as I once again traced the bruised skin around my neck.

Kate sighed loudly, "If I had just gotten there sooner...maybe..."

I interrupted her, "Then maybe we both would have been dead. But, you saved me, Kate. You did show and you saved me." I tried to reassure her.

She smacked her lips, "That's it, I'm coming over. I need to see you."

I chuckled, "Okay, but I will warn you, there's cop outside my house and he's so supposed to basically interrogate anyone who enters."

Instead of being worried by the cop, Kate perked up her voice a bit, "Is he cute?"

I rolled my eyes, "Just get here." And I hung up the phone.

There was a knock on the door and I heard Georgia answer, welcoming Kate and thanking her for coming over. It wasn't long until I heard her footsteps up the stairs and saw her figure in my doorway. "That was fast." I breathed. She smiled and we met halfway as she engulfed me in a hug.

I recoiled at her touch, feeling a stinging pain on my back, "Ow...Kate, careful." She stepped back, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. How are you? That's a shitty question, of course you're terrible." I shook my head at her words. "Oh my gosh." I saw her eyes pointed on my neck. I licked my lips and sat down, "It really is as bad as I thought it was, isn't it?" I stated, knowing I was right. "What? No, no. It's not that bad. It just looks like someone sucked your neck for five hours straight." She tried to lighten the mood with her normal humorous self.

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