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Inspiration! It used to come easily to me. I once had an inspiration.

I remember when there were days where we would just go out to the park to admire the sunset. We would go to the beach to watch the waves hit the shore. We planned on doing that the next day.

I never planned on not seeing her again.

I was going to ask her to marry me at the beach the day after she left. That hurts me to even think about the fact that I was going to do that.

When we used to go to the beach, I would sit there with my guitar and write down the things in life that made me happy on this little notepad I used to carry around.

We'd laugh together. We'd cry together. We'd be happy together. Now all I associate with her are the tears that crawl down my face this day every single year for the last eight years.

I don't want to ever feel that pain again, but it is a pain I am going to carry for the rest of my life. I just don't want to feel again.

The alcohol is already entering my bloodstream and the room begins to spin. It's been a long day and a longer eight years.

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