Chapter 2

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Once more a huge thank you to Too Much Chocolate who has patiently reviewed this chapter, providing so many helpful hints and thoughts to smoothen out the language and giving it some additional atmosphere! Please enjoy!


Luke slumped down on the couch in the living room, burying his face in his hands. He took a deep breath, staring dismally up ahead. Hostage. That's what he was. A hostage to force his father to comply with the Emperor's demands.

He looked over to the viewports lining the living area which showed the hypnotic blue swirl of hyperspace. Whenever he had occasion to travel in space, journeying to neighboring systems or when he'd been allowed to accompany his father to one of his many relief missions, he usually stared into it every spare minute. Never tiring of the ever-changing streaking pattern. Somehow it had always calmed him to stare into the bluish mist. He'd daydream of not being a prince with responsibilities and duties, and instead becoming a spacer, flying wherever he wished and seeing all the galaxy's wonders.

Now it just made him feel more and more anxious. It meant every minute the blue swirl continued he was taken further away from his family, from home. He hadn't been confined long before the vessel had jumped to hyperspace. He had stood by the viewports to catch a last glimpse of Alderaan, its familiar blue and green orb floating below him. Then the stars had turned to streaks and with a slight lurch the vessel had left real space.

He stared across at the chrono on the wall. He'd been here for four hours. By now they must be hundreds of lightyears away, en route to an unknown destination. But it didn't matter, did it? Even if they were still in orbit, he couldn't even get out of these blasted rooms.

Glancing out the viewport he had a good view of the massive ship's body. The quarters he was in, perched high above the Star Destroyer's wedge shaped bulk, offered him a vantage point. Its sheer size let Luke recognize which ship he must be on: the brand new Super Star Destroyer that had left the Kuat Drive Yards only a few weeks ago. It was christened Executor on Empire Day and handed to Vader as his personal command ship in a pompous ceremony over Coruscant. Luke had been secretly fascinated by its large yet sleek design, larger than the normal Star Destroyers by a multiple. But his father had been furious at this waste of money on yet another instrument of terror.

Luke shook his head, trying to clear his mind. Knowing what ship he was being held on didn't bring him any closer to escaping it. He had spent the better part of the last hours pacing and searching his prison, trying to find a way out. His quarters included a living room, a small dining room and a bedroom with adjacent fresher. They were utilitarian compared to the beautiful designs and architecture of Aldera's palace, but furnished with everything he'd need. Better than a prison cell, he supposed. But it was nonetheless a prison.

Luke had tried every knob and control panel in the rooms. He had searched every nook and corner, every drawer and compartment. He had even climbed on two chairs precariously perched on each other to see if he could pry open the ceiling air ducts, but they were tightly sealed.

He had to admit defeat. Nothing had brought him any closer to escape. The door remained firmly locked, no matter how many times he punched the release and he couldn't find another route outside. Neither had he found anything he could even remotely turn into a weapon. He had tried to raise the HoloNet and the intercom but predictably they didn't work. The only holo access he was granted was the Imperial News Network, and he could do without the Emperor's propaganda news that held less substance than a bowl of nutripaste.

During his search of the rooms he had found a wardrobe, which to his surprise was filled with clothes. Judging by a cursory glance they were approximately his size. It made his blood boil. This meant his capture had been long planned beforehand, before Vader had ever set foot into Aldera's palace, dragging him here without giving him the courtesy to pack or even say goodbye to his parents. It also meant they weren't inclined to let him go anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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