Part 1

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« Kagami x Riko fanfic »

- a failed one ;-; -

//doesn't ship but lol who cares xD

Riko: Bakagami fangirls do •-•

WARNING: might be cheesy -\\\-


"Good work today everyone!!"

Riko clapped her hands together as the boys stood in place to gather their energy or drank water.

"Now let's hurry and get cleaned up!"

"Yes, Coach!"

The team began collecting the balls and cleaning the floors.

As for the coach, she packed her things and hung her bag over her shoulder. She then moved her eyes on a certain redhead who had just finished putting away the balls with Kuroko ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) KagaKuro moment LOL JK I'm gonna stop now XD) and was wiping the sweat off his forehead.

'Oh my god...I can't believe I'm about to this..'

Riko took a deep breath in then a deep breath out.

"Bakagami!!" She called out his nickname unconciously.

"E-eh?? What did I do?!"

"A-ah oops..I meant Kagami-kun! I need to talk to you for a minute.."

"..okay..." Kagami scratched the back of his head, feeling a bit nervous.

'Am I in trouble or something?

I don't think I did anything wrong..' Kagami thought to himself as he stepped outside with his coach.

"'s my dad's birthday tomorrow.." Riko stated as she looked to the side in order to avoid eye contact.

Kagami opened his mouth to say something, but decided not to and continued to listen.

"And I was wondering tomorrow...

Could you..."

Riko moved her caramel orbs on the her feet, a flustered expression on her face.

"HELP ME BAKE A CAKE FOR HIM?!" The coach finally shouted and finally fixed her gaze upon the ace.

"I hate to admit it,but I...

Need a bit help..when it comes to baking.."

Kagami stared at his coach with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"T-that's it?"


"I mean...

I'll help you out, I guess."

Riko's expression immediately changed from humiliated to grateful.

"G-great!!! I'll be at your apartment at 8 in the morning tomorrow! Thanks a bunch, Kagami-kun!"

"Wait- what?"


And with that, the petite coach ran off, leaving Kagami in a bit of a shock.

"Eight in the morning??

I don't know if I'll be awake..." He sighed as he began to walk home.


The Next Day...


Riko's alarm clock began to beep, but was immediately shut off.

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