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           lorna debwin
age: nineteen
every time a person falls in love, a red tally mark would appear unto their wrists.

like an indication to the world that you love somebody, either a small crush or a person you wouldn't let their fingers slip yours.

whenever you get a tally mark, it would stay from the rest of your life. let's say you liked someone at second grade, you gained your first mark, that mark you gained at second grade is still permanently printed on your wrist today.

as you grow older, a lot of tally marks would make an appearance, and it's totally normal.

there are a lot of instances where a person gets a tally mark and it stays red for all of their lives.

usually the married couples and the ones with relationships. but there are also instances where it does not stay red for a lifetime.

you see, tally marks isn't all about the butterflies and the roses. sometimes roses have their thorns. tally marks change. change in color and in shape.

a red tally mark can be replaced with a black one to indicate that the couple is no longer in each other's arms.
that they have already separated.

some people think that the black tally mark also represents the grieve and the sadness of the other pair

either way - it's still the same.

the second evolution of the red tally mark is the scar.

scars are the ones that indicates that the loved one has been one with the angels in the sky.

the one that everybody does not want to have printed permanently unto their wrists.

people with scars has been looked down and been pitied on.

a lot of apologizes will be heard if you are a person with a scarred mark. 

scars give a person a depressing feeling about themselves.

the sensation of a red mark as it evolves to a scar, is like a million needles being cut unto your skin, it cuts deep and strongly.

this indicates the pain of losing the loved one - the bitter pain of losing.

tally marks can also go back to being bright red.

but only the black ones.

it would only transition back to being red if the couple regained their immense love for each other like their previous one.

tally marks are a bit intimidating to have, especially it exposes your feelings for a person to the eyes of the world.

it makes all people stalkers, even though we all know they aren't.

nobody talks about their tally marks neither do the parents.

here in my hometown, at least half of the girls wear long sleeves and the others would normally expose their wrist.

because of the insecurities they've got, the anxiety of people judging and pointing at them because of their sixteen tally marks.

as for me, i don't have to be insecure nor have anxiety about people

because i don't have one.

people like me scares for the feeling of pain rooted by loving a person.

pain of losing

and the fear of separation.

as my parents got their black marks after their fight, it opened my eyes that love is a dangerous game where at the start it would appear glorious, but then it evolves and leaves you something bitter.

since their black marks appeared, I have never gotten tally marks, neither a single one printed on my wrist. kids my age would have three tally marks and they would always talk about them during rest time.

it's a bit ridiculous, what's the point of loving if you'll lose them anyway?

i believe that people with red marks would always follow the path of the black mark. worst come to worst, it would also be the cause of a scar.

loving someone would defeat the purpose of loving, because they will leave, and you'll be left shattered - like me.

aha hi there peeps of the planet earth. i found this thing in tumblr about the soulmate trend prompts, which is AMAZING. and i chose one of 'em and holy mackerel this came up and i fell.

if u still don't get the sequence here's a summary (!)

red mark : being in love/crush
black mark : loved one separated or they broke up.
scar mark : loved one died.

i hope u'll dig this story soon.

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