@thedokimochi asks:
what is ur favorite kind of cookie *insert cookie emoji thing in original comment I can't do*"
Sayori's response:
Well, originally YURI responded to the comment.. dang Yuri.. Istillloveyouthoughpleasedon'thateme... but she was right!! I really do like chocolate chip.. or fudge.. or just chocolate in general... eh heh...
Natsuki's are especially really good!!
I hope that answer is good for you!!~
Have any questions for the Dokis? Don't be afraid to ask!!!~
Ask and D A R E The Doki's!!!
Genel KurguEyyo...It's Natsuki. Yuri is here too but she's being pretty uh...Spacey. So ask us questions I guess!! Y'all can make us do dirty stuff, or make us pregnant tho. That's wrong BAKA!! I hope that Monika will be okay with this, eheh...