You Shouldn't Have Done That (G/R)

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You Shouldn't Have Done That - George Harrison/Ringo Starr

A frightened, sweat-dripping, chilled-to-the-bone young man ran through the streets of the deserted town; the man was practically running for his young life, running away from what chases behind him. 

'Oh God, what will I do?' the young man asked himself. He propped himself on a wall, still sweating as he shifted a lock of dark brown hair away from his brown eye. 

The man looked both ways, this time making sure he checked both ways; the last time he did not check, he nearly caught the sharp end of a drumstick correlated in his neck. The young man ran off again, not wanting to relive what happened earlier. 

As the young man ran on forward, he began to see dramatic changes in what was in front of him; first, it started fog, second, few objects here and there had disappeared from their original places, as if they were magically, and silently, 'poofed' away.

Nonetheless, the young man ran on, he panted as he did. He ran with his arms moving to every way, dark brown hair swaying into his eyes, hair mixing with sweat on his forehead. 

''Oh Georgie!'' A new, twisted, and deep voice uttered from behind. 

'Oh no, it's Ritchie...' George thought. 

''Come out to play, Georgie!'' the deep voice chimed. ''I have a lovely drumstick with your name on it!'' 

'Just keep running, George... Ringo's a tiny, he can't run fast...or can he?' George wondered. 'Should I turn around to see if he's there?'

With two terror-filled eyes, George quickly turned his neck behind; just as he suspected it, there was something behind him. 

Heavy grunting, that was the only subject that was coming after George. Though the owner of the grunting could not be seen from behind, George can clearly tell who was behind him. 

''C'mon Georgie!'' 

George just ran faster and faster, but no matter how fast he could run, he can still hear his follower's voice. 

George was not almost aware to where was he heading to but....


George found himself, face down on the ground.

''Oh Georgie,'' his follower cooed sadistically. ''Did you think you can get away from me?'' George's follower was none other than Ringo Starr. 

''Ringo...'' George wheezed out as turned himself over. ''Baby, please...'' George coughed again. ''I love you...''

''You Shouldn't Have Done That....'' Ringo taunted, as he grabbed a  right fistful of George's shirt. ''You shouldn't have cheated on me...'' Ringo had a drumstick, sharpened at the tip, with dried blood on it. 

''Ringo, please....'' George pleaded. ''I'm sorry, I'll never do anything like that again...'' 

''I'm sorry it had to come to this.'' Ringo chided. Ringo aimed the drumstick at George's neck.

''NOO-'' Before George could finish, Ringo immediately stabbed his neck. 

You Shouldn't Have Done That....

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