Chapter 1 - Pesky Heartache

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Ayumi's POV:

"Shinozaki Ayumi."

"Koko ni*," I replied quickly, almost flustered. I had been staring at Satoshi again, and I was afraid of being caught for it. My friends Seiko and Mayu already knew about my crush on Mochida, but I knew Naomi liked him too. It was wrong to try and win Satoshi's affection when Naomi deserved him more. 

At least that's what I always told myself. 

I sighed and turned my eyes down to my desk; I was pretty sure Naomi was well aware of my feelings for Satoshi, but we still remained friends so maybe she didn't mind it. We were too good of friends for me to shun her away over a boy; even if that boy was Satoshi Mochida. 

The bell rang, and as usual, Kishinuma strolled in late; he was so casual about was sad. He didn't care about school at all. He was looking straight at me, smirking slightly, just the corner of his lips were turned up, but it was a smirk nonetheless. I couldn't hide my glare, why couldn't less students be like him instead of more; or better yet, none. We needed an epidemic of attentive, intelligent students.

"Shinozaki," he took his seat in front of me and I quickly turned to Mayu to keep Kishinuma from attempting his daily routine (when he even came to school) of trying to talk to me. I didn't want to shut him out, I wanted to help him...but he didn't want to be helped, and I couldn't change his mind. 

Why am I even obsessing about any of this?

I closed my eyes for a brief moment, sucked in a deep breath, and then released it, forcing myself to relax and clear my mind. I was attentive, and ready for class to begin. 


It was around nine o'clock when I left the library to head home; I was class rep., and I had some studying to do so I stayed after for a little while to keep up. It was beginning to get a little darker as I headed out onto the sidewalk and there were small raindrops forming, hitting the pavement around me.

I forgot my parasol at home! I sighed and reached down to grab the hem of my jacket and zip it up when I realized I wasn't wearing it. It was a kawaii jacket, almost like Rilakkuma was hugging me. It was my favorite one, too. I must have left it back in the library

I went back up the stairs and tugged the doors open; I was thankful they hadn't been locked yet.

I don't think I would be able to have gone the night without my jacket...someone might try to snatch it up in the morning if I were to be late. My nana had gotten me that jacket from Okinawa, and though it wasn't far, it was special to me. My nana was a special woman in my life. 

The hallways were dark, aside from the occasional one left on for the janitors to finish their night shifts, and students getting ready to leave. The library was up on the third floor so I had some walking to do. I heard a door close down at the other end of the hall, and I picked up my pace slightly. I wasn't really looking to interact with anyone unless I had to, I just wanted to get my jacket and get home for the mochi my sister, Hinoe, had prepared. 

I could hear their footsteps walking in my direction, but they made a turn for the stairs after a few moments. I reached the third floor, heading straight from the stairs to the library. I tried to pull the doors open, but they were locked. "No..." 

"Shinozaki?" It was a familiar voice. 

"Kishinuma-kun," I acknowledged politely. His school jacket was strung over his left shoulder, his white shirt was unbuttoned more than usual, exposing the maroon v-neck below. He looked so nonchalant, even his hair was spikier than normal. 

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