Almost Time......Its Time

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Jason's (POV)

its been 2 months since I've seen Genesis, she look gorgeous, with her big belly and long dark brown hair

even thought I still can't believe she took in Jack my other son

I don't want to hurt her, so I didn't take him away from her

and tomorrow is my birthday March 1st

Genesis (POV)

we're in the last days of February and Sophie hasn't made a move

I went to the doctor, they told me I was fine, and I could be due any minute

but I'm not feeling it

I woke up

I forgot Carlos is off work today

I quietly got up and took a shower

once I got out

today felt like a lazy day

I let down my wavy hair and grabbed a pair of sweats and a over sized sweater

I took some time for myself and went outside

it was about 7 o'clock in the morning

I heard the birds chrip and dogs bark in the distance

I heard a little sleepy voice


Jack: mama my tummy hurts

Genesis: aww sorry baby, come on lets go inside and get some medicine

I grabbed the pink PeptoBismol

I gave him half a spoon full

I kept thinking tomorrow is Jason's birthday....

later on that day we went to the park, Carlos broke up with his girl, we ended getting movies, junk food and so on

once we got home it was about 11:30p.m.

the boys were asleep

I got a sharp pain on the side of my stomach

Genesis: not now Sophie, I'm not hunnn-fuck

she's probably not comfortable

nope she kept kicking

I kept tossing in turning in bed

at one point I got comfortable, the bed was wet....Sophie

I got up and changed pants and called Carlos

Carlos: whattttt....

he was half asleep

Genesis: get your ass up, Sophie

Carlos: go away

I grabbed a pilliow and hit him with it

Carlos: what!

Genesis: I'm in fucking labor

he immediately got up and got Jack and Luke

Carlos: do you have everything?

Genesis: yes, come one its in the car

we got in and drove to the hospital

Carlos: breathe, just breathe

Genesis: I'm fine, I am breathing

he got out his phone

Genesis: don't you dare

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