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It was a quiet night in the bunker. Sam was busy tapping away on his computer in silence, as Dean mindlessly watched tv on the couch. Castiel was supposedly up in Heaven for some reason. But naturally the brothers could pray to him if needed, so there was no need to worry about anything.

"I wonder what kind of crap Cas is doing up there." Dean hummed, looking over at Sam, who didn't bother to look up.
"He's probably just doing something important." Sam just shrugged Dean off, tapping on his keyboard. Dean wasn't content with that's response, and just groaned in annoyance.
"Maybe I should pray to him?"
"But we really don't need him right now do we?" Sam argued. But Dean didn't listen, and stared to pray, and sure enough, Castiel appeared, but he was holding a small bundle of cloth."
"Hello Sam. Hello Dean." Castiel greeted and continued to rocked the small bundle in his arms.
"Uh, hello Cas... what's in your arms?" Dean asked and he stood up from the couch, and peered down at the small bundle, that was making little cooing sounds. Sam also looked up at Castiel, raising an eyebrow at the angel.
"Oh this is my newest baby sister." He introduced like it was something normal. "Her name is (Name), and it's my job to watch over her." He stated, pulling the cloth back reveling an adorable chubby baby face, that cooed happily.

The brothers were dumb founded.
"So... you're raising a baby angel?" Sam asked, shutting his laptop and looking down at the adorable baby. Castiel nodded and gently held (Name) up, showing her off to the Winchesters. (Name) cooed and looked at the brothers, wiggling her body a bit and fluttered her tiny grey wings.
"Ah I think she likes you two." Castiel commented as Sam and Dean leaned in to see her better.
"Aw, this reminds me when Sammy was little."
"Don't call me Sammy." Sam growled.
"You know you like it." Dean rolled his eyes. Castiel smiled softly and bounced you in his arms, casing small giggled to escape from (Name).
"So, this is why you've been so busy, huh?" Sam asked Castiel, who nodded. Dean was busy playing with the little angel, tickling her sides and poking her nose. (Name) seemed to like it, and giggled.
"Yes, fledglings need a lot of attention. Of course my other brothers and sisters have been helping me out, but I am her primary care giver." Castiel explained, and a tinge of proudness was present in his voice. "Also Dean please stop tickling her. She may spit up on you..."
"Noted." Dean hummed, but kept poking at her while Sam and Castiel talked.

After a while, (Name) started to wiggle, and got a little fussy, whining to Castiel. "Oh I think it's time for her nap... I should return to Heaven..."
"Oh well, you should bring her to the bunker more." Dean said, clearly wanting to play with a baby angel.
"You're such a little kid, Dean. It's a fledging, it's not like a normal baby." Sam said softly, shaking his head. "It's like you have baby fever."
"I do not!"
"Well, anyway, I should be going with (Name). I'll see you two later then." Castiel nodded his head in goodbye and quickly fluttered away with (Name).


"Are you looking up baby cribs on your laptop Sammy?"
"Don't call me Sammy! For the last god damn time!"
"The cribs though?"
"...in case she needs to stay over." Sam pouted a bit.
"I'm not the only one with baby fever then~"
"Shut up, Dean."

Lil' Angel (Supernatural x Baby!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now