What he did that broke your heart

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(I hate that this was at first odd and evens are better  than odds)

Michael-He was in the bedroom that you shared with each other.You were about to get a towel and you heard him talking on the phone.What he said in the following made you cry and leave everything you own at your ex home that was your home."I never loved (y/n) and I used her because her body is so sexy.Im so lucky that she's into old men and she's so good at sex."

Trevor-You were at Ron's home helping to clean the mess that Trevor made.Ron gave you a glass of lemonade when you heard Trevor and another female at your bedroom.You dropped the glass and ran to the trailer.When you opened it,you saw him having sex with a stripper.You slapped his face and took his truck to drive back to Los Santos with tears coming down your face.

Franklin-You noticed lately that he wouldn't stop talking about his ex Tanisha."Tanisha would never do this or Tanisha would have done it better" is what Mosley says.That started to make you depressed and you felt that you can't do anything to make him say "(y/n) is better than Tanisha and why haven't I found her earlier in my life." Franklin didn't even notice when you were crying and left the home.You went to your favorite bar and began to drink the night away all by yourself.

Lamar-He's always hanging out with Franklin.When you're trying to get his attention then he gets so pissed at you.He takes his anger on you and then he called you a bitch.Lamar never called you one and then you burst into tears.You ran to your car and locked yourself in so he wouldn't get in at all.

Jimmy-Jimmy was in the middl of playing Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies.You came to his room to be with him when you accidentally pulled out the cord.His eyes got big and started to yell at you for pulling on the cord.You tried to tell him it was an accident but he didn't care at all.Tears came down your face and you locked yourself in the bathroom so he couldn't yell at you anymore.

Should I make a second part to this?

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