Chapter Two

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   "Oh, I'm sorry, " he whispered, continuing to look at the ground.

"It's fine, " the British accent sounded familiar.

Curiosity made him look up. The person he was looking at was the smirking King George: his rival.

"Why are you here?" he asked, knowing well enough that he didn't win with his shitty writing.

  "Well, I'm so famous; and rich, that I decided to buy my own ticket, " he pouted. "I just wanted to see if I could get a free pass."

  He raised an eyebrow, "why do you even care about this musical. I remember you telling me that you thought it was a piece of crap, even if Jonathan Groff is sexy as hell, " he shrugged his shoulders and smirked at him defiantly.

King started blushing, "I mean, yeah, but listen, " he growled, "I'm only going because of my little brother, Samuel Seabury, so don't test me bud, " he barked, looking at him with a grimace.

"Okay, and when did you start caring about your little brother? You always use him to get you things, " he barked. "Trust me! I've dated you, and I've seen what you can do to that poor kid."

Alexander shook his head before walking away, disappointed in him, but when was he never disappointed in King-fucking-George. He was a rich, uneducated, hateful man that he regretted ever meeting. He knew nothing of kindness, and it infuriated Hamilton. He only knew how to order "that peasant" around: his little brother Sam. Yes, Alex got to actually meet Thomas Jefferson, but he didn't exactly like the fact that King was going to be there, maybe even ruining his plans.

  Alexander walked to his flight with luggage in hand and boarded. When he was in the plane, he handed the flight attendant his ticket, walking back to his seat and putting his baggage in the compartment above the seat. Alex was grateful he had gotten the widow seat, mainly because he wanted to see the beautiful sunset that went on above the clouds. That's was until he found out who he was sitting beside: the great King himself.

  "Hellooo Alexander~" he chuckled and cooed, sitting down and resting his elbows in the middle arm rest. "This flight is going to be a fun one, now isn't it~?"

  Alexander growled to himself and put his headphones it, bracing himself for the worst flight of his life. He slightly leaned back his chair and asked the man behind him if it was okay; the man said yes, so he thanked him and turned away from the other.

- T I M E  S K I P! -

  King George looked over at the sleeping Alexander and sighed, getting one of his fuzzy blankets he had brought, and placed it over him, gently leaning down and kissing his forehead.

"Good night, love. Sleep well," he whispered, grabbing himself one and laying it on himself.

  King moved the arm rest so he could put Alex's head on his shoulder and hold him while he slept.



  Hey! Sorry for taking so long to bring out another Chapter, almost forgot about this one, I'm just glad I got to finish this so I can continue the story.

  This is kinda of just a simple Authors note saying that this is a Jamilton fan fiction not a King x Alexander. Lol, just wanted to get that out there.

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