High Voltage

748 20 66

July 20, 2008

Linkin Park was on tour, ready for their next show in Mannheim in a few days. They had a flight to catch that morning, to which, for some reason unknown to anyone other than the couple, Chester and Mike were late.

Chester's P.O.V

The sound of my cell phone ringing woke me up. Shit, we had to catch a flight today. Shit, shit, fucking Mike. Damn. These things about time and our agenda have always been his responsability, and now he has screwed up our flight by forgetting about it.

I get up from the bed scared by the noise and scratch my eyes, finally picking up my phone. It was Joe. Oh shit.

- Where are you guys? - Joe tried to restrain his anger, but it was clear in his voice.

- I ... Hmm ... We ... we're late. Excuse me. We are on our way right now! - I sat on the bed again and looked at Mike sleeping soundly, he was clinging to one side of my pillow and was only with his boxer. He was so hot, I would totally fuck him hard right now.

I bite my lips and take my hand up to the nape of my neck, a little worried. Could Joe get suspicious of anything after that? Mike is never late, and then out of nowhere we're both gone. Not that it was the first time, but this recurring event was fucking up with our disguise. Mike was probably going to blame me, saying that I didn't let him sleep and then he couldn't wake up at the right time the next day. The thought makes me smile. Yeah, I don't leave you rest, right Mike? But I know you like it, baby. You like it when I keep you busy.

- Chester! Are you listening to me, damn it ?? - Joe yells in my ear, waking me from my reverie. Oh, shit, I completely forgot. How long has he been talking?

- Totally! I heard everything, Mr. Hahn! We are going. I'm going to alert Mike too, wherever he is... - He's right in front of you, idiot, my mind screamed at me, but I was just trying to mislead Joe again.

- As usual, Bennington. Bring your husband soon, please. You have 20 minutes. - Joe said ironically and hung up before I could respond. Hell, I suck at lie, anyway.

I put the phone on the nightstand and look again at that sweetness lying so quietly on my bed, why the hell am I so calm? I should be crazy, we will miss our flight. Damn Mike, he's like a morphine in my body. I sigh loudly and crawl to the side of that sweet young man, shaking him gently.

- Hey, baby. We got a flight today, you know that?- I say in his ear softly, and like a spring, Mike jumps scared and looks at me with his eyes like orbits, ready to swallow me.

- And why are you so calmly, Ches? Are you crazy? We have a fucking flight today and you didn't wake me up! Shit, shit! - He gets up in a hurry and when he sees that I'm standing still just admiring him, he throws a cushion at me. Two can play this game.

- So I'm the blamed one? You deserve a punishment for that, Shinoda. - I smiled wickedly, he knew exactly what I was talking about. He looks at me in surprise, then bites his lips and turns around without saying anything to go to the bathroom. So many years together, we learn how to communicate through our eyes.

I walk into the bathroom quickly and Mike is taking a shower. The bathroom is filled with smoke and damp, but I can still see him through the glass of the shower stall,

God, he's so perfect. I'd love to come in with him and fuck him until he forgets his own name and ... Shit, Chester, you have a flight and you're late. Be a nice guy and let Mike take a shower, damn it.

My mind was right again, before anything else, we had a reputation to watch over, a band, a flight to catch and fans waiting for us. I smile and go to the sink, brushing my teeth and combing my thinning hair. I had already taken a shower yesterday after had fucked Mike as if it was the last time so I wouldn't waste time taking another now. I got out of the bathroom and went to the wardrobe, grabbing a red boxer and black sweatpants along with a long white shirt and my jeans vest.

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