Jail mate-1

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Tegan p.o.v

I have to go yo jail i did something really bad like......rob a bank yah hehe anyways i have no idea who I'm going to be in the jail with but someone. But once i get in jail i will get out. I'm in jail mow hay *hay* what cha in for *murder* oh well I'm here for robing a bank *oh robing a bank that's cute* well it's my second time being in jail *yah well it's my 5th so* well i-have nothing to say to that *good i guess where done talking then* yah we are. ....... *.......* okay I'm bored *yah me to* oh wait can i ask *ask what* what's your name *carder* my name is tegan (bell rings) what's that bell for *i thought you said you been here twice* i have *well if you have then you'll know what the bell's for* okay fone i may have lied *the bell means it's time to go to bed* bed they think they can give me a bed time i think not i am staying up until the morning *fine but if your falling asleep while working in the fields you'll have to tell them why* fine I'll go to bed *that's what i thought*

This is like a move story like you read it then you picture a movie with this that's what I'm trying to get at but tune in for the next episode of jail mate.

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