Catching Up With the Past

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Jun's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I finally turned on my phone, skipping the texts that were sent from Wade. It's been three days since I've seen Wade. His text stopped coming in and I pretended not to care.

The phone rang with an unknown number appeared. Normally, I don't answer numbers that I don't know. But today I decided to make an exception. I reluctantly picked up the phone.

"Hello," I answered quietly.

"Hi Jun, it's Jake. I haven't seen you in awhile. How are you doing?"

"Good" I quickly replied.

"Hey, I am throwing Ashley a Birthday party at the Sky Loft Bar, can you join us. I know Ashley wouldn't forgive me if I can't convince you to come." His voice softened.

What am I suppose to say, I mean it's Ashley. It shouldn't have taken me long to reply but I know that Wade would be there and I didn't want to see him. "Yes, of course, I will be there." I said with more enthusiasm.

"Great...see you on Saturday at 6:00. Bye for now." He hung up leaving me feeling bittersweet.

Saturday came too fast. I bought a new outfit to wear because the party is at an upscale bar. I just hate that everyone will be wearing brand name clothes. Brandy picked me up an hour late due to an accident. By the time we made it there we were almost two hours late. Right when I walked in, I noticed Wade pacing back and forth. He kept glancing at his watch as if he's waiting for something important.

The same girl that I saw at the restaurant walked up to him. She flashed a beautiful smile at him and he happily smiled back. Ashley spotted us and came straight over. She swung her arms around my neck and kissed my cheeks.

"I've been waiting for you two!" Ashley raised her voice like we couldn't hear her.

I felt a tug on my shirt and Jen and Liz hugged me at the same time. They started to turn their attention to Brandy who was happily chatting away. Jake came over and joined the happy group.

I saw Wade approaching us from across the room and my heart started to beat faster. I don't really know how to handle the situation since I have been avoiding him for a week. I pretended not to see him.

"I am going to get something to drink and eat. Would anyone like to join?"

"I'm good for now but will join you later." Brandy replied. I breathed a sigh of relief as I quickly escaped.

"Can I get a margarita."

"Please make that two." I turned to see Wade holding up two fingers. He didn't look at me and I was nervous so I just stared at the bar tender.

"I'm glad you came. You must be having issues with your phone." He stated sarcastically.

I turned to look at him. "Huh?"

"Well, I mean I texted you and called you many times but you never responded." He finally turned and looked at me. His mouth turned slightly upwards forming a smile but his eyes looked told a different story.

"So that must mean that you are having issues with your phone. Am I right?" His eyebrows raised as he tilted his head and looked straight in my eyes.

I found myself gulping the margarita like I was dying of thirst. His stare was getting intense. I simply just replied, "Oh, I've been busy." I can't believe I just said that. Can I just crawl and hide somewhere!? We both remained silent as we kept drinking.

He swirled his drink then turned his eyes on mine. "You look good Jun. Really good."

I couldn't help but let a smile escape my lips. "Thank you." I couldn't look him in the eyes so I glanced across the opposite end of the bar. I noticed a familiar face and my smile literally turned upside down. My heart sank and there was no way I can avoid her since our eyes met. She got her drink and immediately walked to me.

"Jun," she sweetly called my name. She still looks as beautiful as the day I met her. She continued to look at me as her smile got bigger.

My eyes roamed toward Wade and I can see the glare that he was throwing my way. I finally managed to speak.

"Hi, Annie. It's been a long time. How are you?"

"I am so happy to see you." She reached out and held my hand. I wanted to pry her hand away but I didn't. "I've missed you so much!"
She kept talking without waiting for my reply. "Are you happy to see me?" She asked as her smile slowly disappeared. I just nodded my head because I didn't know how to react.

"Hi, I'm Wade...Jun's best friend." He put his arms around my shoulder acting like we are buddies.

"Oh, I'm Annie. Jun's fiance." She smiled back at him.

She dared to introduce herself as my fiance. I use to love that word. I was so in love with her that I took every chance to introduce her to people just so I can say that word. I didn't correct her but just looked at her with a hint of a smile.

Wade removed his hands from my shoulder, with a blank look on his face.

"I never heard him talk about you. Sorry, if I looked surprised." The smirk on his face must have challenged Annie.

"No problem." She flashed him a confident smile. The touch of her cold hands made my body stiffen. "Baaabe," she emphasize the word. "Can you give me your phone number. There's something I want to discuss with you." She squeezed my hands while waiting for my response.

When she touched me in the past, it would bring a smile to my face but not today. My eyes lit up as I realized that she no longer has a hold on my heart. "Okay, lets talk. How about if we meet at the Bistro at Hayward Avenue for dinner at 6 o'clock." I pulled my hands away from her.

"Okay babe, see you tomorrow." She brushed her lips against my cheeks and started to walk away .

Suddenly she turned her attention to Wade and flashed him a big smile. I could see all 32 of her teeth. "Nice to meet you Wade, see you around." I continued to stare at her as she walked out the door.

What the hell was that all about? She left me feeling confused because I don't know what her intentions are.

"Wade and Jun, it's time to sing to Ashley." Brandy motioned us to a room. Wade followed Brandy without as much as glancing at me. His facial expression showed his feelings. How can he be upset with me? He's also here with a women. He avoided me for the rest of the night and got so drunk that Jake had to intervene.

"Jun, can you drive Wade home? He's so drunk there is no way I'm handing him the key."

What an I suppose to say when Jake's asking. "Yes, I can."

"You can stay in any of the guest rooms. I'm sure that he would appreciate you taking care of him." He squeezed my shoulder. "I will help him to the car so follow me."

I parked in his driveway and helped him out of the car. " Jun, you smell so good." Drunk boy slurring every word

"Yeah, yeah...stop touching you drunk!" I hissed at him.

He leans on me and the smell of the alcohol got stronger as the scent intrudes my nose everytime he looks at me.

"Jun, I like you." He shakes his head. "No, I love you. No one can have you except me. Okay?" He looks at me and pulled me towards him. Even in his drunken stage he looks so sincere. Now the drunk is making demands. He starts to chuckle for no reason. Well at least he's a happy drunk.

"Jun, I think I'm gonna throw up." Too late it was all over me.

When we finally made it to his bedroom, I pushed him on the bed. The stupid jerk kept
grabbing onto me and it's hard trying to push a strong man off. When he finally fell asleep, I showered for an hour trying to get the smell of the vomit off me.

After I finished showering I searched for a shirt in Wade's closet. This guy has more clothes than any women I know. I finally picked a green sweater pulled it over my head. It was big on me but I didn't have a choice. I took out my phone and called a taxi. I didn't feel like staying the night since there is alot on my mind. I looked at Wade's face and an evil laugh entered my head. When he wakes up, he's definitely going to have a bad hangover. Hope you suffer, you drunk. I heard a honk and pulled a blanket to cover his bare shoulder. "Goodnight happy drunk," I whispered in his ears.

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