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I've been playing football my whole life. I have 3 older brothers, what else was I supposed to do. The only thing people have an issue with, is the fact that I'm a girl. My name is Casamira Fromm, but everyone calls me Casi. I'm from a small town called Warner Robins, Georgia, and I've lived here my whole life. This year, I'm a freshman in high school and I'm a wide receiver on the varsity football team. I'm the only freshman on the varsity team, and a lot of the guys on the JV team don't like that because, well I'm a girl. School started this past Monday, but now it's Friday, which is game day. For the first time, I get to wear my jersey to school, proudly displaying my favorite number, 4. I threw on my jersey and some running shorts before putting my hair into a messy bun. I decided not to wear any makeup just because I knew I would forget to take it off before the game. I slip on my Nike sneakers and grab my backpack and football bag before heading down the stairs. I was running a little late, so I grabbed an apple for breakfast and went out to my brother's truck. Like I said before, I have 3 brothers, Jake is almost 18, he's a senior, Dylan and Tyler are 15, they're sophomores, and I'm 13. I know what you're thinking, how are you 13 and in high school. Well, my birthday is in a couple weeks, and I'm one of the youngest, if not the youngest, in my grade. All 4 of us are on the football team, Jake is the starting quarterback, Dylan is his backup QB but also a wide receiver, and Tyler and I are both wide receivers. Jake is committed to play for the University of Georgia next year, and I'm really happy he isn't going too far away. Once we got to school all of us got our stuff out of the bed of the truck and headed inside. I dropped my stuff in the locker room and started to walk towards my locker, but Jake just had to stop me.
"Cas, you know what I'm going to say, but just listen. I know some people are thrilled that you're on the team, but there's also some people who aren't so thrilled. You've got your jersey on today, and people are going to tell you things, but don't listen to them. You deserve to be on the team," Jake's pre-school speech is usually about not talking to boys, so I wasn't really prepared for this one.
"Aw, Jakey! I really wasn't expecting that speech. I love you."
"I love you too shorty, get to class," with that he walked to his locker and I walked to mine.
9th period
I'm currently in biology, my last class of the day. We are doing a lab today, and we are being paired up. I'm hoping to get paired with someone from my old school, since I really don't know a lot of other people in my classes yet. I just wanted the day to be over so the game can start. All I can think about is running into the field with my brothers and the rest of the team. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the teacher say my name.
"Casi, you will be with Brennan." I have no idea who Brennan, but apparently he knew who I was. Before I could even look up he was right next to me. He was actually pretty cute.
"So you play football?" Even his voice was cute.
"Yeah, I've played pretty much my whole life. Do you play any sports?"
"I play water polo, golf, and I swim."
"That's cool. So, what's happening with this lab?"
"I'm not too sure, let's find out," we continued to do the lab until the bell rang. I couldn't wait for the game. Quickly, I grabbed my books and started walking towards the door. "Hey Casi wait up!" I could hear Brennan, so I turned around and waited for him.
"What's up?" I'm telling you this boy is going to be the death of me.
"I just wanted to wish you good luck tonight."
"Aw, thanks Brennan! Are you coming to the game?" Secretly I was hoping he'd say yes.
"Yeah, I'll be looking for you out there," with that he winked at me, and we walked our separate ways.
I went to my locker, and then headed towards the locker room. I changed into my football pants and a T-shirt. I still had a little while before we started warm ups, so I just decided to grab my Beats and go stretch out in the back hallway behind the locker room. I turned on my warm up playlist and began my stretches. About 30 minutes later I decided go put my pads and jersey on. I grabbed my helmet and headed out to the field. By the time I got out there, about half of the team was warming up. Once everybody was out there we starting running some drills and going over a few plays. Before I knew it, it was game time. Jake and the other two captains, Justin and Kyle, went out of the coin toss. We won and elected to defer. Both teams lined up for the National Anthem, and then we were ready for kickoff. The team got into a huddle and we did our chant thing. Then we all kind of broke off and did our own handshakes with other players. Special teams ran onto the field for kickoff, and the game began.
I entered the game with about 3:00 left in the first quarter. It was my first high school football play, and I was nervous. We did a huddle and Jake called the play. Jake broke the huddle, and we lined up. The play we were running was supposed to be a play-action pass to me. If I messed up I knew that some of the JV players would have something to say about it. I didn't want anybody to baby me for being a girl, so I never told anyone about what they say to me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Jake yell hike, and our center, Aaron, snapped the ball. Jake faked the handoff to Trey, our running back. I started running my route, and I was feeling pretty good about my chances at catching the pass. The ball was coming my way, and I jumped up to catch it...

So, You Play Football?//b.d.Where stories live. Discover now