Part 1

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I was reading a story where Naruto had long hair and I was like 'you got me INFIRES MAN!' So I decided to write one. I know I'm writing stories left and write here, but I just can't keep up with my mind. So as always, hit that star, comment down below, and...


A young 27-year-old Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze was standing on a mountain facing his village. He was beautiful for a man. Having outgrown his childish attitude, he was a calm matured man. Having hair as long as his mother though reaching right at mid-back when in a high-ponytail, light blonde like his father's but silky like both. His skin became slightly paler from having to take A rank and S rank night missions. His eyes became more narrow. The color was an icy blue, with hints of his regular old blue, a beautiful combination. The whiskers on his cheeks became more defined, they made him look fierce and foxy. His face stayed heart shape like his mother's but, he showed more like his father. He grew about a head taller than Itachi. Right now he was wearing a black armored uniform, with a black ribbon that tied his hair. His bangs falling nicely forming his face perfectly.

Naruto sighed and looked up. He liked staring at the sky. He got a home-like feeling from it. Well, he did because his parents, ero-sannin, and everybody that he loved were up there.

He sighed once again, and wondered, if he concentrated hard enough, maybe just maybe they'll come back. But his concentration broke when he felt Shikamaru come up the mountain with Gaara.

"Still thinking about them?" Shikamaru asked when they reached him.

Naruto nodded his head. Shikamaru sighed and Gaara stayed silent.

"Well yeah, it's been about a year since Choji died, don't you think about him?" Naruto asked.

"Of course I do. He was my best friend, a brother, family. There's never a day where I never think about him." He said.

Naruto nodded his head.

Unlike Naruto, Shikamaru and Gaara were wearing the same outfit just different like. Shikamaru was wearing a white one with a cloak that had a hoodie attached to him. Kind of like Naruto Shikamaru also grew out his hair, now reaching the top of his back when in a high-ponytail, he had only two strands of hair on each side of his face that went right under his chin. But instead of a black ribbon, it was a white ribbon that popped out from his black hair.

Gaara was wearing something similar to Shikamaru, except his was red. And unlike Shikamaru that had a cloak, his just had a hoodie attached to it. Gaara grew his hair so it reached right under his neck in a high-ponytail. His bangs were short as well but covered his forehead and parts of his eyes perfectly.

"Yeah but you still have Ino," Naruto said.

"True, but at least you still have both of your teammates alive," Shikamaru said.

"Yeah that's true but at least Ino doesn't try to get into your pants like how Sasuke and Sakura try with me," Naruto said.

"Yeah but she does fawn over me and she has sai," Shikamaru said.

"But at least you guys don't have a sister that's over-protective." Gaara suddenly said.

Naruto and Shikamaru gasped jokingly.

"It speaks!" Naruto exclaimed.

"The world must be ending!" Shikamaru said.

Gaara growled and wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist.

"Yeah but I miss them," Naruto said.

"I miss Kankuro, Kiba, and Hinata. It's been what? 3 years since they died." Gaara said.

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