Part 3

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Alright, new chapter. This one is going to be a long one I believe. It will just tell you guys how Iruka died and how Kakashi died as well. Pretty sad in my opinion. But as always, hit that star, comment down below, and...


It was a lazy afternoon that day for a teenaged Naruto Uzumaki. And instead of being cooped up in his home, he decided to wander the town. Try to get to know the people, so he would be treated differently. 

So getting dressed in his favorite black, and orange jumpsuit, he headed off. Not realizing about the terrible day that is about to occur.

He walked around town, waving high to the children playing, but never receiving one in return. It didn't matter though, they were still children. Still listening to their parents, even if they were wrong sometimes. But he'll change their minds about him, just you wait. But first, baby steps. So walking off once more, Naruto waved high to a couple of teenagers. 

They didn't wave back.

They just glared at him and flipped the small birdie towards him.

Okay, not a big deal. Maybe they are rebellious teenagers. That's it, yeah, they're just rebellious teenagers. Not a big reason to get upset about. So he shook it off and walked away once more.

This time, he waved to a middle-aged couple.

But what he received was a shake thrown in his face. Everybody pointed and laughed at him. He tried laughing it off, but they laughed even more at him. But then, he started crying.

"What is wrong with you people!" He yelled. "Why won't you accept me!"

He didn't get an answer, instead, he got flying rocks thrown at him. Each rock either hit him or missed him. But then there was a yell.

"What is going on here!" They all turned to see that Iruka was the one that yelled that. 

He turned towards Naruto and saw rocks laying around him and big bruises on his body and face. But he, himself didn't get an answer. Instead, the rocks went flying once more, hitting Naruto, or missing Naruto once more. Iruka kept yelling for them to stop, but they continued. Iruka got fed up and covered Naruto with his body so he wouldn't get hit.

Naruto looked up at Iruka, shocked. He didn't say anything, and he couldn't say anything. He just stood there frozen as Iruka kept on getting hit.

But then time went in slow motion.

A rock missed Naruto and instead hit Iruka right on the temple. Naruto watched everything, it was like time slowed down for him. Then everything went fast once more.

"Iruka!" Naruto yelled.

Iruka dropped down to the ground. Naruto craddled his body as everybody started yelling at him.

"He killed the ninja!" One woman yelled.

"He murdered him!" A man yelled.

"Kill the demon!" They all yelled.

They threw rocks one more, this time another rock missed Naruto and hit Iruka straight in the heart. Killing the dead man once more. Naruto, tired of what the villagers were doing, surrounded both Iruka and himself in Kurama's chakra cloak. The villagers started screaming in fear but stayed in their spots.

"He's gonna eat him!" A woman yelled.

"He already is!" A man yelled.

Since Naruto head was down, mourning the loss of Iruka, his head and shoulders were bobbing up and down from the crying he was doing. So to the villagers, it looked like he was eating Iruka.

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