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     I sat at the counter with my head resting in my hand. Mrs. Cray had been called in early with Mr. Cray, so I was alone with Jon changing in my room. I turned to light footsteps. Jon walked down the stairs, wearing black sweatpants and a black T-shirt. Damn he's cute. I stood and walked over to him. "You okay?" He simply nodded. We sat down on the couch, without a word. Jon was breathing slowly and I just listened. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore. I turned to look at him. "So what happened?" Jon turned his head slightly, before turning back and looking at the floor. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but then just sat there. I sighed. I really wanted to know. I mean, what if he really is my old friend? What if he didn't actually die that day? How did he hide his wounds? What is Mrs. Cray not telling me? I looked over to Jon. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slowed. Had he fallen back to sleep? "Jon?" He didn't move at first, but his eyes flickered open. He looked at me as if waiting for me to tell him what I had wanted. "Uhh, if you're still tired, you can go back up." I said. Jon shook his head. I just sighed again. We sat in silence for a little longer, before I started to doze off. 

     When I woke up, I noticed a slight weight on my shoulder. I looked over, seeing Jon leaning on my shoulder. He was sleeping, his right hand on his wounded side. I could only smile, a sense of warmth flowing through my body. I heard my phone ring. I looked over to the coffee table, then back at Jon. Dammit. I moved as carefully as I could, hoping he wouldn't wake up. He needed rest, and I liked having him sleeping right there with me. I grabbed my phone and moved back in position. Jon hadn't woken up, but stirred slightly. His head slipped off my shoulder and into my lap. I moved slightly, smiling as he rolled over so he didn't put weight on his wounds. He reminds me of a baby kitten. I answered the phone quietly. "Hello?" I whispered. "Hi honey. Why are you whispering?" It was Mrs. Cray. "Jon fell asleep again. I don't want to wake him." I said, placing a hand on Jon's head. His hair was so soft. "Oh okay. That's good. Look honey, we're gonna be home late tonight, okay?" I nodded, even though she couldn't see it. "That's fine." I could feel her smile, before she said she had to go. "Good-bye." I hung up the phone and looked down at Jon. He was still sleeping. I stroked his hair gently, still hoping he wouldn't wake up. It would be kinda awkward if he did. Here I am petting him and I've only known him for like two days? 

     I sat there a little longer, Jon sleeping in my lap. It felt nice. Then, Jon stirred. I freaked out a little. Jon didn't wake up though. I took a deep breath and lifted him off my lap so I could stand up. I really didn't want to move, but I kinda had to pee. I laid his head on the armrest and walked to the bathroom. When I was done, I walked out. Jon was awake now, which sucked. He was holding his shirt up with one hand and running his other hand over the deep red marks. He sighed and allowed them to fade again. He lowered his shirt. I walked over and sat down. He looked up at me. "Are you hungry?" He shook his head. "Okay, but you should probably eat something." He just shook his head again, looking back at the floor. I sighed. Stubborn as all fuck, huh? Well fine then. Jon stood up and I watched him. He looked at me, before pointing to the door. "Uh?" Jon sighed, opening and closing his mouth a few times. "Is there somewhere you want to go?" He nodded. I stood up. "Okay, I'll go get your shoes and hoodie, but I'm coming with you. Your still hurt." Jon seemed fine with it, so I walked up the stairs. I grabbed his hoodie and shoes, before grabbing mine. 

     We walked out, and I followed Jon. We walked for a little, until we came up to his jeep. There was still blood splattered on the side, which Jon didn't seem happy about. He reached in the back and grabbed a wipe. He wiped the blood off, before walking to the other side and climbing in the driver's seat. He turned to me and stared. I sighed and climbed in. He started it up and drove off. We came to a road that lead into the forest. He turned. We drove for a little, before coming up to a small lake. On one side was a small blue house. A dog was sleeping just outside the front door. It looked to be a deep navy blue, which was odd. It was on the larger side, maybe a husky? Jon climbed out and so did I. "Is this your house?" He gave a small nod. As we walked up, the dog's head turned to us. It looked at me, then Jon. I barked a few times before in rushed up to Jon. Jon bent down and scratched behind it's ear. I looked up as the door opened. A taller male was standing in the doorway. I recognized him from the office before. His black mow-hawk wasn't spiked like before, but instead laid off to one side. He looked like he just woke up. "Jon where the fuck have you been?" Jon looked up at him, then back to me. I waved a little. He followed his gaze and looked at me. "Your the new kid aren't you?" I nodded. "Yeah, name's Evan." His eyes widened for a second. He looked back to Jon, then back to me. "Luke." Jon stood and walked up to Luke. Luke stepped to the side and allowed Jon to enter the house, then he walked up to me. He narrowed his eyes and scanned me. "Evan, huh?" I could only nod, raising a brow. "You better not hurt Jon. If you do, I'll kill you." I raised my hands. He reminds me of Cyrena. He turned as Jon came back out. His arms were crossed and he had a slight glare. "What?" Luke asked. Jon only glared. Luke sighed. "Fine, whatever." He walked off, back into the house. Then I heard a car pull up behind me. We both turned to look. A deep purple truck pulled up. Cyrena stepped out and rushed to Jon. "Jon, you idiot. Where the hell have you been." The stared at each other for a little, then the dog started to bark at her. She turned and sighed. "I'll get your stabilizer." She walked into the house. I walked up to Jon. "Are you okay?" Jon grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside the house, his dog following. The walls were painted navy blue and the floors had black carpets. Everything seemed to match. A deep brown cat was sleeping on the light blue couch, another lighter brown cat was eating from a bowl. Cyrena was in the kitchen, shaking something in a bottle. Jon walked me through the house and out the back door. The backyard was surrounded with shrubs and some bright plants. A lone tree sat in the middle. Jon let go of me and walked under the tree, looking up. He opened his arms and something jumped down. He pulled it close. I walked to his side. A deep black raccoon was curled up in his arms, purring as he stroked it's fur. He looked so caring and loving. "I think he was even more worried about you than me." We both turned. Cyrena was standing behind us, a cup in hand. She handed him the cup. "Luke and I are gonna go to the school. I'll see you later." Jon nodded and she left, sending me a quick glare. Jon looked at the cup and frowned. We walked back inside and Jon sat down on the couch. The cat was gone now, so I sat down next to him. Jon placed the raccoon on his lap and stared at the cup. It was filled with a light green liquid. He closed his eyes and chugged it down. He placed the cup on the side table and laid back. "Jon?" He didn't move. His breathing slowed and it became clear he had fallen asleep. I smiled. The dog trotted over and sat down in front of me. I took notice to the black and silver collar. On the tag was a name. 'River'. I patted it's head. Though I'm guessing she's female. The cats came over next, hoping onto my laps. Both of them had collars as well. The darker one was Tim and the lighter one was Sam. They sat there for a little before leaving. River licked my hand, before bolting down the hallway. "sorry." I gasped and turned. Jon had curled into a ball, cradling the raccoon. His voice had been so smooth and soft. He buried his face into the raccoon's fur. God, he was so fucking cute. I could feel my face heat up. The fuck? This was the first time I actually felt myself blush around him. Which was weird. I've thought he was cute since the first time I saw him. Like a baby kitten. 

     I opened my eyes, once again feeling weight. This time it was on my chest, though. I looked down. Jon was curled up on my chest, the raccoon still in his arms. His face was contorted into fear, as if he was having a nightmare. I rubbed circles into his back, noticing the tears running down his precious face. It hurt to see him crying. "Shhhh." I sat up slowly, pulling him closer. His breathing calmed slightly. His eyes snapped open, though I didn't let him go. He looked up at me, surprise evident on his face. I didn't want to let him go though. He relaxed and leaned into my hold. I felt warm with him in my arms. Well, warmer than I felt just being around him. I felt movement, soft fur brushed against my arms. I looked down to see the raccoon looking at me with eyes just like Jon's. It had red marks on it's face, just like the raccoon tattooed on Jon's shoulder. Something was off. The lighting in the room caused our shadows to be placed on the blue couch, but the raccoon didn't cast a normal shadow. It's shadow was blue. Jon pulled away from me and stood up. I followed him back to the backyard, where he let the raccoon climb into the tree. You know, now that I think about it. I'm certain Jonny had a pet raccoon before he died. It was special too. I remember him having it since we met. Though I'm sure he had it before that. It was always with him. I though back to the shadows in the forest. I didn't see a raccoon shaped shadow? 

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