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It’s already 7:30 in the morning, but Lance is still slumbering to his white and fluffy bed. But then, he doesn’t want to be absent this day, because it is a special day for teachers. He immediately woke to his bed and called her mother downstairs.
“Mom, I’m awake now. Where are you?”
Lance shouts softly while finding her mom around.

“I’m here at the washroom, your breakfast is there, above the table. After you eat, take a shower immediately, you’ll be late for a minute.” Lance’s mother asked him to do.
“Okay mom. After you wash there, come here, I’ll have something to tell you.” Lance said. After few minutes, Lenny,
walks out from the washroom, then faces Lance.
“I am here now, what will you say, again?” Lenny asked. “Oh, here is it. I – I ----

Lance cannot say what he want to say about what he experienced last night.
“Okay. Tell me, what is it? I’ll hear it, whatever it is.” Lenny said, while rubbing Lance’s head.
“It happened again.” Lance said fast, with a deep sigh.
Is that a nightmare again? Okay, so if you have a nightmare, then you are sick.” Lenny said as she worries about her son.
“Sadly, yes I am. But don’t worry I’m fine. I need to go to school this day is very special day for them."
“No, you’re not going to school. Can’t you see? You are sick. Now, you are not going to school.” Lenny said.
“Mom. Please. I’ll take care of myself, promise. I’ll be good. Just allow me to go to school.” Lance said.
“Okay, you really love your adviser. Well, go and go to school. Make sure that you care for yourself. And if you feel something, call me immediately okay? ” Lenny said, while she rubbed his shoulders.
“Yes mom. Thank you, I love you.” Lance said and hugged her.

Lance went to his school, and drive his car safely. While driving he felt dizzy and was about to fall in steering wheel. But then, he need to go to school and pretend nothing happens.

To be continued...

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