My life brings me nothing but confusion
Oh what am I supposed to be doing
Should I go to school and get good grades
Should I skip and sleep the day away
Is there something wrong with me I can't see
I question so many things
Sometimes I wonder if my friends are using me
I always get the same conclusion
The answer is no
They love me so
Then why can't they see sometimes I hate me
Is this who I'm supposed to be
So I waste my nights in my room
Reading and contemplating
My day was good
The answer I'm always stating
Even when my life feels like hell
And I simply can't wait to hear the bell
The one that tells me all these stares will dissapear
But still I question myself
So sleep is hard to come by
And sometimes I think it would be better if I would just die
Oh why can't you see I'm not alright
Even so I hold my head up high
And I say I'm fine
Cause that's what you need to hear right
poems of a twisted soul
Поэзияa bunch of poems by a little emo who has nothing better to do you with her life and is like bored all the time with an endless imagination and love of music.