☆ || jealous boyfie. Two

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"Pretending not to be interested,
avoiding your eyes
Please understand"
- 엑소


이필릭스 (Felix)

You're in the library finding the book you want to read but unfortunately you can't find it. You basically asked everyone if they've seen it. Then suddenly one of your classmates approached you and gave you the book.

"Eo? What about you?" You asked him.

"It's really okay, I already finished that book and aren't you actually finding that book?"

"Oh yeah haha thank you"

After you borrowed that book you found your boyfriend Felix waiting outside the library with hands crossed.

"Eo, wae? What's wrong?" You asked him.

"Why are you with other guys?" He sounded mad.

"Whyyyy? Are you jealous??" You said while smiling cutely and squishing his cheeks

"Stoppp it's not funny"

"Aw cmon just admit that you're jealous"

이민호 (Minho)

"How to be a child" he annoyingly murmured under his breath.

"Stop being so jealous with my baby cousin"

"Fine then, you wanna spend more time with the baby and not your boyfriend" his lips curved downwards.

"Sure I mean, I love babies so much so why not?" I teased him.

"Ughhh whatever, common y/n, give me some attention also" he said while hugging your back.

"After his/her parents came back i promise to give you all my attention" You said to him.


서창빈 (Changbin)

"Why so grumpy jagi?" You asked your boyfriend Changbin.

"Look at those people, they're looking at you. Why can't they see that you're with your boyfriend" he rolled his eyes.

"Well... it's maybe because I'm hot, pretty be-"

"Stop" "wae?"

"You're making me jealous even more"

"Sorry.." he then faced you. "Hey... it's not your fault, I'm sorry too because im letting it out on you"

"Then shout that you're mine" you said.


"Really?" You asked in a blank face.

양정인 (Jeongin)

Being a model when you have a boyfriend can have a advantages and disadvantages. Like currently what's happening right now.

You're boyfriend Jeongin is jealous because you had a photoshoot with some boy paired up with you.

"Why didn't you told me?" He frowned. "Now I don't have any energy to see all those photos. He said while pointing the photo book.

"I can understand tho, that boy is hotter than me"

You stopped doing what you are doing and you gave him a big tight hug.

"I love you" you numbled while hugging him.

"I'm also sorry. I actually didn't know that I have to do it with someone"



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