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Grace Autums is a clumsy little girl. She is a catastrophe dressed up in flowers which bloom when her tears hit the floor.

And when you look at her like that, you won't know the pain hidden beneath because the bloomed daisies hide them well.

Still, she's a happy little soul.

One day she meets Ryder Flinn. The kind of guy who knocks air out of her lungs and takes a dive into her soul. The kind of guy which everybody fears but she doesn't.

That dreamy, dreamy guy.



C H A R A C T E R S:

G R A C E   A T U M S

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G R A C E   A T U M S

R Y D E R   W I L L I A M S

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R Y D E R   W I L L I A M S

R Y D E R   W I L L I A M S

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J U L E S   A R T H U R

E M I L Y   J O H N S O N

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E M I L Y   J O H N S O N

E M I L Y   J O H N S O N

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C H A S E   W I L S O N

This is an ordinary sweet little love story, full of cliches and heart warming bad boy gone good for the girl.

The updated will be a little slow guys since I have my exams in a week but i'll try to update every saturday and sunday.

Go on! Thank you for giving this a chance.


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