13 - Phones

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Author's p.o.v

Seulgi, Irene and Namjoon got out of the car, after parking at the mall. They went to a fast food chain first, since Seulgi was hungry. Then they went to the department store Seulgi shopping for clothes first, she always choose from black and some other colors but she always ends up with black.

As Seulgi's little shopping time ended, they went to an Apple Store, Seulgi wasn't sure what phone to buy since it was her first time buying a phone, and she doesn't know what to choose since all of it looks nice. "Is it hard to choose one?" Irene lightly bumped her shoulder to Seulgi, getting the younger's attention.

"Yeah. What do you think is the latest release?" Seulgi asked, looking at the variety of phones infront of her again.

"This. Iphone X." Irene replied giving Seulgi a Iphone X, that was placed at a table for buyers. "This looks good." Seulgi replied, trying to open the phone. "Gosh, is this really your first time having a phone?" Irene said as she laughed, amazed at the sight of Seulgi struggling to open a phone. She took the phone from Seulgi and opened it for her while the younger just stood there, amazed at the mobile phone. "You look like your given a million dollars. Close your mouth." Irene told her, holding Seulgi's chin closing it.

The older then gave the phone back to Seulgi, for her to review it. "Is this the camera?" Seulgi asked, pointing at the camera icon in the phone, Irene laughed, thinking how possibly dumb the younger is.

"Unnie look here." She heard Seulgi called her, she then looked at Seulgi, but before she realizes it Seulgi already took a photo of her. 'Beautiful' Seulgi told herself, looking at the photo she took a few seconds ago. "Yah. Delete it." Irene told her, trying to get the phone. Seulgi just chuckled raising the phone higher, Irene tried to reach for the phone but she couldn't since she was small.

"Seulgi?" Seulgi's heart suddenly stopped, hearing the voice of the person who called her made her really nervous. She turned around, only to see the person she's scared of. "Mom?" Hyeorin looked shocked seeing her daughter at a phone store, she knows Seulgi's schedule so she was confused on why her daughter was at the mall.

"What are you doing here? With Irene?" Her mother asked them before whispering something to the person she was with. She then walked towards the two young girls, looking at them as they breathed deeply, not knowhing what will happen next. "The teacher was sick ma'am and she was our last subject for the day, so we thought about hanging out for a while to know each other, since it's still early." Irene blurted out, defending Seulgi. She knows her boss, she's like a bomb that will explode if you do something wrong.

"Hang out? At a phone store?"

"Im buying a phone mom." Seulgi told her, showing her the black Iphone X that she'll buy. "Since when did you decide for yourself?" Her mom asked her, hands on her waist. "Since I became a teenager." Seulgi replied, now going to the cashier to buy the phone. She hurriedly paid for it, so that her mother couldn't do anything about it.

'Dumbass Seulgi how can you call Irene with her not having a phone?' Seulgi suddenly slapped herself mentally, before thinking of a solution for her small problem. "Mom?" Seulgi walked up to her mother, now putting up her cute mode. "Don't ask for anything." Her mother replied, turning to Seulgi since she was talking to the person she was with again.

"Can you buy Irene a phone? You know, in case of emergencies." Seulgi told her, wrapping her arms around her mom. "No." Hyeorin said, she was scared that Seulgi was just using Irene to buy her another phone, for her to sell. "What if I get bullied? I can't call Irene to defend me." Seulgi said, looking over her mother's shoulder seeing a confused Irene.

"Gosh. Just get her a phone like yours. I'll pay for it." Her mother told her, defeated. Seulgi raised her fist, happy that she won. "Irene, come here." Seulgi called her, standing infront of the variety of phones. "Choose a phone like mine. No buts. Just choose or I'll prank you again." Seulgi threatened her, making her choose the phone that caught her eye.

Seulgi then took it from the olders hands, giving it to her mom, to pay for it of course. After buying their phones they went around the mall, buying cases for their phones. While walking around, Hyeorin, Seulgi's mother called Irene and told her to go to the parking lot with Namjoon as for her and Seulgi they'll go on a dinner with the person she was with earlier.

(Time Skip)

"Seulgi, she's Mrs. Park Min Ha. Have you perhaps met Jimin?" Seulgi cringed at the guys name, she remembered how he stared at Irene with disgust, and how she got irritated by it. "Yeah. Is she his mother?" Seulgi asked, both woman infront of her nodded and looked at Jimin's mother, they look the same, well except for the hair, since he has a black one.

A waitress walked to their table, asking for their drinks and foods before going away. Hyeorin and Jimin's mother talked about random stuff that Seulgi was bored. She decided to open her phone, and went to contacts before texting Irene. Irene thought her how to use the phone, what to do and what not while they we're walking so it took a while for her to process it

-Seulgi and Irene-

Seulgi: unnie what are you doing?

Irene: talking to namjoon, you?  

Seulgi: theyre talking about random stuff so im bored

Irene: really?

Seulgi: yes :(  

Irene: i'll sing you a song then

Seulgi: that song again? Starry night?

Irene: yes. Wait up.

Seulgi: okkkk

Irene: [sends a voice message]

Seulgi: you sing very well unnie.

Irene: I know😉

Seulgi: Oh. How did you do that?

Irene: do what?

Seulgi: that yellow face circle that winks

Irene: This? 😂🙃🌻  

Seulgi: i want to do that too!

Irene: goobye seulgiiii

Seulgi: no! Teach me!

Irene: irene is sleeping  

Seulgi: i'll get back at you tommorow 

Irene: goodluck  

To be continued...

So Seulgi's learning how to use a phone now. What a cutie. 

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