What the actual hell

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    loyla's pov 

I was sitting in a boat surrounded by guards.They were all staring at me like i was some type of  criminal. A little while later i said something,

"Is there something on my face" i said in a sickly sweet voice staring at all of the guards on the boat .

There was nothing but silence on the boat and everyone looked away from me and blushed

"oh look were here" said the guard driving the boat as he pulled up at a dock with people standing there looking at the boat that just arrived at the dock "and now last but not least meet our last contestant loyla. When he said my name all of the guards stood up and grabbed my chains and practically dragged me off of the boat .

Woah and oh is the all and all sum of what i herd from the crowd standing on the dock . I had chins wrapped around my hands and feet and i was strapped down on a wheel chair and was being rolled by the guards . the first thing that the guards did was unstrap all of the straps on the chair and yank me up from the wheel chair then they unlocked the chains on me hands and then my feet i stood there for a moment and the i started to stretch and shimmy of the chains on my boy and i then opened my mouth to speek but i was interrupted by some one in the crowd 

"what the actual hell"  my mouth suddenly turned into a crazy ass grin

peace bitches

272 words

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