he loves you.

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         He grabs your heart from your chest cavity.

                                squeezes as hard as he can.

                 & tells you that is what loves feels like.

                                       He tucks that same heart.

                                                           into his pocket.

                           & tells you it's okay to feel empty.

                                                                  and you do.

                                                              But it's alright.

                                               because he loves you.

                                             He dips his fingers into

                                              your bestfriend's pants,

              and you can feel your heart breaking from

                                                                   a mile away.

                                            He'll never crawl back on

                                                   his hands and knees 

                                     because you'd take him back

                                                               in a heart beat.

                                                                    But it's okay.

                                                   because he loves you.

                                                                He lies & yells.

                                                           he uses & cheats.

                                                 He picked you because

                                              he could commit murder

                   and you would help him clean his hands.

                                                                        But it's fine.

                                                     because he loves you.

= ♥

Want me to continue this as a poem story? :) just comment below! 

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