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>>The same day, breakfast<<

The sound of eating utensils covered the room, everyone was focused on their own meal. All of us-- except for a certain person, was present.

We all knew who that certain person was.

"Sanae." The woman said, syllable by syllable in a shaky-- grandma-like voice. Sanae placed her chopsticks down and looked at her, "yes?"

"Can you bring Aruka her food? Just knock on her door and leave it on her doorstep." Thw woman said, Smilling at Sanae.

So her name's  Aruka, huh?

"I, uh.." She sighs, "Ok i will, but in exchange can my brother be the one to take her food down here when she's finished eating? I need to do my homework."

"Yes, of course." The old woman said and takes our empty plates to the kitchen, preparing Haruka's food.

I looked at Sanae, " 'my brother'? " i raised an eyebrow, "i didn't know you know that word." I teased.

"Psh." Sanae put her hand on her hips, "She's a nice old lady, it's not like i could just call you 'bro' in front of her." She says back.

"Well, i suppose you still have that side of you."



I've been in my room for atleast 10 minutes now doing absolutely nothing.

I sighed, i wonder if no one's watching TV.

I went downstairs to see the old woman, who was also coincidentally doing absolutely nothing.

"Umm.. hello?" I said, rhe old woman looked at me. She pats space next to her, indicating that i should sit next to her. I did.

"It's boring in here." She says, "Don't you think so too?"

"I, uh.. we're just staying here, we're thankful that we're allowed to stay here." I said, gosh i can feel the mood changing.

"I like sleeping on this floor more than on my actual room." She says softly, touching the floor, "These floors have a lot of memories stored in it."

I stayed silent, The woman did too.

She smiled at me, "You don't know my name dont you?"

I shooked my head, "No. No, i dont."

"My real name is too fancy, so call me Gm."

I raised an eyebrow, "Gm?"

She nodded, "Aruka also thought that my real name was too fancy, so she me that nickname, she said it was short for Grandmother." She laughs slightly, "she was a really cheerful little girl when she gave me that name."

"I see." Maybe it's my chance to ask her, "Is it ok for you if i invite a friend over?"


Awkward silence.

Painful silence.

At this moment, i knew, i f*cked up--

"Why, of course!"


Wait what?

Did i just aced that?

"The more the merrier right? Besides, Im tired of having this Boring mood all over my house." She says, then stands up, "I forgot to do the groceries, can you ask Sanae if she can come with me? I need someone to read the prices since i can't see properly."

I nodded, "I'll go get her."

I ran upstairs to Sanae's room,"Yo, Gm wants you to go grocery shopping with her." I said, knocking Sanae's door.

Sanae's POV

I heard my phone ring again, i had earphones on, and i was -silently- rolling on my bed, squealing.

"Yo, Gm wants you to go grocery shopping with her." Gosh dammit Trash brother, when will you learn to come at the right moment?

"Gm?" I asked, "Who in the world is that?"

"The old woman told me to call her that, you probably should too." He says outside my door.

The door, huh?
Gosh even a person like me couldn't open that door.

"Oi! Sanae! Stop doing your summer homework for a second! Go with Gm!"

"Yea, yea. Lemme change my clothes first."

Someone who doesn't like you lol: i gotta go grocery shopping with The house owner, brb.

I changed my clothes when i heard my phone ring.

The trashiest of all: yea, yea. You do that while i do my thing.

I snickered.

Someone who doesn't like you lol: Watching hentai? Probably while doing that too.
The trashiest of all: you know me too much Sanae.

"Knew it."

"Sanae? Gm's waiting!"


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