•-파도- CHAPTER 3 - New Experiences •

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Preparing Jimin's room, you remember that his room (the guest room) is already painted light blue, what a theme... Its his favourite colour, you assume, since he wears a sweater that colour. You thought he'd love it... Its quite cute and fitting.

Its a light blue room, with a single bed, it has a few pillows, one stands out because its yellow and has the word "Serendipity" on it in capitals. There's a place thats for relaxing/sitting/studying by the window. There is a small table with a decorative cactus (small) with a tiny little yarn ball thats also bright yellow.

Suddenly you hear a 'Meow' from the roof.

"Ooh! Huchu is home!!" You run to the rooftop.

Its Huchu, aka Pepper. Your calico cat.

She's orange, black and mostly white. Her base fur/undercoat is white. The uppercoat/top fur is mostly orange and there are a few black dots which is very cute. She was found outside an abandoned house when she was just a few days old by you 1 year ago.

"Y/N-ahh..." You hear Jimin, he sounds worried?

"Yeh Jiminie?" and he signs in relieve, or maybe you think you felt that.

"I just found my cat. Thats all." As you run down, picking up Huchu.

"Kitty~ Oh! I know her face, but I don't know her name. She's the calico cat that would travel alone to the shore and play with me." He pats her.

"You remember me?" He jokes.

'Mew~' Huchu respond.

"She does... Haha." You sit on the couch.

You pass Huchu to Jimin, and the sight of him embracing Huchu just warms your heart. Its just so heart-warming and settling. Its like... a family?

But you got distracted from the sound of Jimin's "AH! YAHH!"

"Jimin?" You turn your head.

He has a scratch you could clearly see on his leg. He was wearing just knee-length or even a bit shorter tyoe of jeans.

"What did you do?" as you see Huchu running upstairs.

"I... poked... her..." he growls from pain a bit, "tummy... I thought it was... okay!" and you shook your head.

"Of course... NOT!" Thats a bit annoying for the cat." and you take a closer look at his scratch. Its bleeding, just a bit, but you still don't want it to get infected.

"I'll go get the first-aid kit." and you smile, then talking a walk to the kitchen, where the first-aid is located at.

You bring back the first aid kit, and then placing some alcohol antiseptic wipes to clean the blood, as Jimin hiss from the pain. Then a bandaid is put on.

"Better?" you ask. He nods, then ask:
"Can I go to my room now, Y/N-ah?". You nod as in a 'yes'.

You wanted it to be a surprise for him.


I stepped into the room. I was surprised, but it made me feel like all of my past memories are flooding my head.

"Serendipity." I began to remember about Yoongi hyung.

"C-Calico cat?" I saw Huchu just standing there...

"The sun and the moon..?" I felt confused.

But why is it confusing me so much? But why is it so weirdly... familiar?


Its nighttime, you went to check up on Jiminie.

"J-J-Jimin?" You stutter, seeing him crawled up in a ball.

"Are you crying?" and he nods.

You lift his face up, to see tears on the verge of spilling again, eyes red, puffy, and swollen.

You embrace the little wave in a tight hug. He looks up, his eyes widen, but stays still as ever.

"What are you doing?" He questions.

"I'm... comforting you. Are you...sad?" and he nodded. It was for the best that you say "Lets talk it out."

Its all the decorations, that lead him to this.

"Ah... uh... You can still stay in the room, right?" you ask, afraid of what the answer will be.

"Yeah, Y/N." and puts on a smile on his pretty face.

"Lets play a game." you suggest.

"I've never played any game..." and you reply

"I'll show you how!" so you held his hand and went to get a game in your room.

Your room is basic, its it's a plain white-ish beige-ish room with wood decors. There's your bed with red bedding and a cute bear pillow that stands out. There's a full box of board games and card games on your study table.

"Choose one! Its all very easy." and you point at the box.

He chose the truth or dare card edition.

"Okay, so, you pick 1 card put of the Truth or the Dare side. Truth means you have answer a question truthfully. Dare means you have to do whatever is written on the card."

"Mmm, I get it."

"Lets play!"

You played for a while, until it got... extreme.

"Dare! Okay... 'Kiss the one on your right'." And you look up

Ooh boy, things getting spicy.

You look at Jimin, you mouth "Hell nah... I've never."

He mouthed back "Uh... same."

You guys look at eachother in... weirdness?

"Bah... uh... NO..." You slam the card on the floor.

"I think we should stop." Jimin suggest.

Its almost midnight, you realized. You asked Jimin

"Where would you want to sleep?"

Ridiculous, you thought, but he responded.


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