1, 2, 3

16 3 0

1, 2, 3, will you be there when I'll open my eyes ? 

I hesitantly leave the dream

but you're gone

Or rather, you've never been there.

Keeping my eyes closed not to see the truth. 

'Cause right now, I can't breathe I  can't think  I can't move

can't do anything

but to stay.

To stay by your side, waiting for you to leave. Because you'll do. We both know it well. 

And hell it hurts.

But angel, smile again. Don't show anymore that sad face, don't let me glimpse your hurt heart. It broke me. I can't protect you and it breaks me. Can't do anything.

But to stay.

So smile angel. Smile with your eyes, smile with your heart.

(But not to me)

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