Chapter 1 :=: Part 1.

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"Are you sure you wanna go?" Mum asks, "It's a dangerous environment to be in, Kyle dear." "Mum! I will go! I know they'll invite me! I can do magic!" Mum steps away from the kitchen, "Okay, show me." Kyle takes a deep breath, and hovers his homemade wand over Snippy the parrot. "Abra .. Kedabra!" Snippy looks at Kyle, squawking. "What did you do?" Mum asks. "I .. made him squawk!" Kyle said, happily. "Well done!", Mum gives Kyle a hug, encouraging him. 

The clock strikes 7:00 PM, Mum walks down the stairs to Kyle's room. "Kyle, time for bed!" "OKAY MOM!" He yells from his room. Kyle walks out of his room, and walks into the bathroom, taking a shower. After he finished, and put on his pajamas, and got into bed. Mum walks into his bedroom. "Time for a bed time story," Mum says while getting 'Old McDonald' from the bookshelf. She begins to read, but Kyle had already fallen asleep, Mum giggles and puts the book back. She his leaves his room, turning the light off. "Good night, my little wizard." 

The moon shines on the earth, and Kyle peeks an eye open. He sits up, opens his cabinet drawer. He takes the wooden wand he found in the park, and gets out of bed. He took a deep breath. "Uhm .." He touches his lip with his finger, and looks up at the poster on the wall. "Aguamenti .. AGUAMENTI!" He points to his mat, and water was casting from the wand. Kyle laughs in excitement. "Now I'll get to Hogwarts! YES!" He quickly puts the wand away, and gets back into bed. That night, he dream't of going to Hogwarts, and becoming the greatest wizard of all. 

"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP." Kyle turns off his alarm clock and runs to the front door in his pajamas. "MOM! I GOT A LETTER!" He runs past Mum in the kitchen. He opens the door, checks the mailbox. Kyle gasps at the sight of a letter. "MOM! I'VE BEEN INVITED!" He takes the letter out of box, but it wasn't a hogwarts letter ... "It's a bill..." Kyle wipes a tear from his eye with his sleeve. Mum walks outside to Kyle. "I'm sorry Kyle, let's hold thumbs for tomorrow."

Tomorrow came, no letter.

The day after, no letter ..

The week after, no letter ..

The month after, no letter.

The months after, no letter.

Years pass as Kyle waits for the letter. One morning, gets up from the bed. He walks into the kitchen, "Hi Mum." He greets Mum, she's standing there making breakfast. "Oh hi Kyle! Do you know what day it is today?" "No?" Kyle shrugs. "It's your birthday! You're 13 today!" Mum says, happily. "Wow that's ... That's great Mum." Kyle says, sitting down. "We're going fishing, then pizza .. and then -" "Mom .." Kyle interrupts Mum. She sits down next to him, sighing. "What is it, Kylie?" "I still haven't received the letter, I waited for it since I was 6." "Well, maybe you weren't old enough?" "That's not the point, Mum." He gets up, and goes to the freshly made bacon. He puts a few pieces onto his plate, and walks back to seat. "Harry Potter and Albus Potter got accepted when they young. Why not me?" Mum sighs, "I -", There was a hoot coming from outside. 

An owl flew onto the home, dropping a letter in front of the front door. "It's probably just an owl waking up," Mum looked outside to the sound of the owl. "Mum ... I think I know what this means ..." Kyle gets up, walking to the front door. He opens it, there was a letter. He took it. "Probably another bill." He opened it. His eyes widened a bit, "Dear Kyle Doorskin, you have been ACCEPTED TO ATTEND HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF MAGIC AND WITHCRAFT! MOM!" He ran back into the house, "MOM!"

"What is it, Kyle?" Mum asks, stroking her hair. "I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED!" He shows the letter to her. "That's wonderful Kyle! I'm so happy for you!", They both hug eachother, Kyle reads the letter further. "The Hogwarts express leaves at 11 o'clock on platform Nine and three Quarters. Leave for the train on 2018/05/2. Mum I'm going to Hogwarts! This is amazing!" "But, for how long will I not see you?" Mum says, sounding sad. "Mum, I'll be gone for a year. Then I'll stay for a few months, and then go again." Mum sighs, "Okay, but don't get into trouble!" She booped his nose. Kyle laughs, and sighs happily, He sits down, and finishes his bacon.

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