Chapter 1: Part 2.

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It was a busy day at London train station, people walking into trains, people exiting the trains. Kyle is pushing a trolley with his mum, inside the trolley was an owl, and two bags. Kyle stops pushing the trolley, "I'll go ask that man for Platform nine and three quarters." Kyle says, walking to the man. Mum laughs to herself, and looks to curved wall. "Excuse me, sir." Kyle tugs at the man's suit. "Can you please tell me where platform nine and three quarters are located?" Kyle asks, The man walks away, groaning. "Think you're funny, huh?" The man says in the distance. Kyle groans, and walks back to Mum. "He doesn't know." Kyle says, Mum then points at the dead end. "See that curved wall?" Kyle nods, "Run into it with your trolley, I'll come with you." Both of them push against the trolley, and run into the wall. They magically run through it, and come out on a station side.

Kyle gasps, "THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS!" Mum laughs, and turns Kyle by his shoulders to face her. "Now, be very good. Don't cause trouble. And most importantly ...!", She lifts up her hand. Kyle sighs, and laughs. "Have fun." Mum laughs too. The train hoots, and Kyle rushes to the train. He stops, and runs back to his mum, coming in for a hug. "I love you Mom!" He hugged her tightly, shedding a tear. "I love you too." Mum caresses Kyle's blonde hair. "Now go have fun!" Kyle grabs his belongings, and rushes onto the train. As soon as he gets on, the train departures. Kyle waves for his mum, and mum waves back. "BYE!" Kyle shouts from the train, Mum blows him a kiss.

The train had been riding for a while, Kyle was sitting in an empty booth staring out the window. The trolley witch came back, "Anything from the trolley dear? Pumpkin Pasties? Chocolate frog?" She asks, Kyle points to the chocolate frog. The trolley which hands him a plastic and cardboard box. "Thanks!" The trolley which moves onto the next booth. He opens the box, the frog jumps onto the window. "WAH!" Kyle jumps, and looks at the frog. The window was open, and the frog had been sucked into outer side of the train. Kyle laughs himself dead, then a black - haired boy was standing at the entrance of the booth. Kyle stops laughing, and quickly sits back in a formal position. "Is this seat taken?" The boy asks, Kyle shakes his head. "No, you can sit." He says happily. "I'm Marvin," The boy says. "I'm Kyle, Kyle doorskin." Marvin giggles, "That's a cute surname." "I know, I know." Kyle chuckles along. "How'd you get accepted into hogwarts?" Marvin asks, "Well ... I -" Another boy comes to the booth, frowning. "You're not supposed to tell!" He says to Marvin, Marvin lowers his head. The boy walks along. "Who was that?" Kyle asks. "That's Jacob, he's a bully." Marvin says, rubbing his shoulder. Kyle nods, feeling sorry for Marvin. "I'm going to take a nap, if you don't mind." Marvin says, laying down and rolling onto his side facing the back rester of the chair. Kyle nods, and continues to stare out of the window.

Hours have passed, and the train comes to a stop. Marvin sits up, looking at where was sitting. Kyle was asleep, leaning against the window. Marvin gets up, and shakes Kyle. "Kyle, we're here." "Huh ..?" Kyle wakes up, and stands up. "We'd best get going then." Kyle and Marvin walk out of the booth, walking along the train. They exit the train, greeted by a tall hairy and bearded man. "Hello there!" Kyle looks up in amazement. "My name's Hagrid." The man puts his hand on Kyle's shoulder. "Welcome to Hogwartz!" Kyle nods, "Thank you Hagrid!" Kyle proceeds to walk in, but Hagrid stops him. "Oi, hold it there. Y'need a wand furst!" "Oh," Kyle searches his pockets. "I .. don't have a wand." Kyle looks down, feeling sad. Hagrid strokes his beard, "Let Marvin take yeh to Daigonally." Kyle and Marvin follow Hagrid.

They later end up in Daigonally, and Hagrid walks to the two boys to a wand shop. Kyle realizes he forgot the wand he had in his bedroom drawer, but it was too late now. "I'll wait for you Outside." Marvin says, letting Kyle into the wand shop. Kyle looks around, amazed. A man comes up from behind the counter, rubbing his head. "Well hello there boy! Looking for a wand eh?" Kyle nods. And the man runs down a hall to the left, a few minutes later he brings a case with a wand. Kyle takes it, and stares at it. "How do I -" "Give it a flick!" The man interrupts Kyle. Kyle looks at a bookshelf. He swished the wand, the book shelf tumbled over. "Well, you've found yer wand boy!" The man puts the wand case away, "Have a good day!" Kyle leaves the shop, and puts the wand into his pocket. Marvin looks at him, "You're going to need robes, don't worry. I have spares." Hagrid comes walking along, (By the way, Hagrid is very old.) "Yeh boys dun' now? Let's get back to Hogwarts.

Later on, they're back at Hogwarts, and Kyle and Marvin walk up a set of stairs along with other students. Kyle is wearing Marvin's spare robes, they fit him perfectly. "You're going to love it here, Kyle." "It was my dream to come to hogwarts!", Kyle said, happily. Students looked at him, weirded out. They come to the end of the stairs, where a teacher was waiting for them. "Welcome to Hogwarts, school of magic and witchcraft. I assume you all have wands?" All of the students rose their wands. Kyle and Marvin did as well. "Good, you will now enter the lunch room, where you will be sorted into your houses." Kyle examined the teacher, she was blonde haired, and looked very young, and she wore green robes. "Who is that?", Kyle whispered to Marvin. "That's Professor Daphne, the spells teacher." Kyle nods, and the students walked into the lunch hall. The headmaster of Hogwarts was old, and had black hair and a black beard. "Have a seat!", He shouted. All of the students sat down, Kyle and Marvin sat next to each other.

  (They have funny surnames, I know. Don't judge me.)  

A student was called up to the front, "Tom Westwood!" A boy walked up to the front, and sat down in a wooden chair. Professor Daphne put a hat on him. The hat spoke! "Hm .. let's see .. Yes .. Yes .. RAVENCLAW!" The Ravenclaw clapped hands. One by one students were sorted into a house. Hours later, Marvin was picked. "Marvin Homestead!" Marvin walked up to the front, and sat down in the chair. Professor Daphne put the hat on his head. "Yes ... Oh .. I see .. hm .. GRYFFINDOR!" The hat said, and the Gryffindor house clapped, it was louder than Ravenclaw. Professor Daphne looked at the list, "Kyle Doorskin!" Kyle got up, and walked up to the front. He sat down in the wooden chair, and Professor Daphne put the sorting hat on his head. "Hmm ... I see. Very interesting .." "Please Gryffindor ... Please Gryffindor." Kyle whispered to himself. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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