Chapter 1- The new girl at school

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I'm new in Derry and that means I'm starting a new school with new people and worst of all new bullies. I don't know anything about Derry but I've heard it's not a place that anyone wants to be in, I'm only hear because my dad got a new job at the Kitchener Ironworks. I can definitely wait to start school but I'm already going to be late, maybe some other day I'll get to start again at my old town. I walked down the creaky stairs and to the door, a new backpack hung off of my shoulder. When I walked outside I turned to close the door and saw the shiny layer of paint glittering in the sun. School isn't to far away from Neibolt street where I live but in order to get there I have to pass house number 29. It's been abandoned for years and that place gives me the creeps. I walked along the grey pavement holding the straps of my bag so that it didn't rest on my shoulders, the house came into view and I kept my head down as I walked past. My feet sped up to an almost run and I avoided looking at the battered wood of the old house. There was no way that I was taking any chances. After passing the house I walked for roughly five minutes before I caught the first glimpse of my new school. Children crowded the front doors, the American flag waved from its seat high above the ground, parents shouted "goodbyes" and "be goods". I couldn't help but marvel at the sight, and then of coarse the bell rang, beckoning every child inside. I joined the flood of people and walked into the dirty corridor filled with dented lockers. I quickly found my classroom and entered to a sea of faces staring at me, "Ah y/n it's nice to meet you! I'll be your seventh grade teacher, my name is Mrs Greendale. It's nice to have you in my class now please take a seat in our spare chair over there." A small woman with black hair said. I walked through the maze of chairs until I reached an empty one which was close to the back. The lesson began and we learnt about atoms until the bell rang signalling the start of the next lesson, the minutes changed to hours and the hours drowned on. Eventually the day ended and I left the hall of the school.

I made it outside without anyone talking to me but then I encountered a tiny problem, I was so lost in trying to catch up with the lessons that I'd missed before I arrived that I managed to walk into Henry Bowers. A round of gasps exploded across the school yard as I stared up into his angry face, "Who do you think you are?" He bellowed and I cowered slightly under his voice. "You're going to pay for that squirt!" He screamed and began to lung towards me, I dodged out of his way and he face planted the floor with a thud. Everyone gasped again and the face that looked back up at me was contorted with anger and rage, "Oh your gonna die for that..." he snarled and I stood up tall. "I don't think so." I responded and brought my foot down upon his face, he screamed and then blacked out. Everyone began to clap and I looked round in surprise, I shrugged and pushed through the circle of people who were clapping me. They kept their distance just in case I decided to turn on them and with that I left the school. My feet moved across the pavement and carried me towards my house, a hand touched my shoulder lightly causing me to flinch a little bit. I turned around to see a thin boy with brown hair looking at me "S...s...sorry f...for scar...ring y...y...ou." He exclaimed and I breathed a sigh of relief "Its fine, I just thought you were h-" I replied and he cut off my sentence "Henry B...B...Bowers." He said. I noticed a slight twinkle in his brown eyes, " you d...o" He asked gently. I looked at him confused and he pointed back to the school, "oh hurt Bowers like that? Well, I don't know..." I told him and he laughed. "Hey Bill get your butt over here and stop sweet talking the ladies!" A voice yelled and the boy turned after hearing his name, "w...w...well, s...see yo..u aroun...oun...d." He said before turning and running in the direction of the voice. I continued on my way thinking about that boy, I recognised him but I couldn't quite think of where I knew him from. "Hey Bill get your butt over here..." echoed through my mind, that's it. He's Stuttering Bill, the boy that most people know about. I feel so sorry for him, after what happened to his brother I don't know how he can even face anyone. His brother disappeared one day a couple of months ago and ever since then his stutter has been worse than ever. I passed house 29 and a shiver ran down my spine, for the first time I decided to glance in its direction. My eyes were drawn to the boarded windows and I could've swarm that I saw someone inside, those eyes couldn't have been shadows they were definitely real. The shiny silver iris reflected the light back into my own eyes and another shiver crept down my spine. I ran past the house and pushed the door open to my house, my mom called from the kitchen "Was your day good honey?" And I yelled a quick response before retreating to my room. I flopped onto my bed and tried to forget about the events of the day. Tomorrow would be a better day, I just knew it...

A story set in Derry (Y/N x the losers club)Where stories live. Discover now