Samwell I

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Learning how to became a maester sucks and I hate it even more than the night watch they made me thing I want to forget already.  As I cleaning the bathrooms for the  hundred time since I arrived, I decided to rebel and get what I need about the white walkers on my own, so I sole the key to the restricted area for nwbies like me and along with Gillie we started to read the books. One day  a  maester  give me a letter while I was on duty. I took it, I notice it has the direwolf of the Stark. Whats going on?. I thought the Starks were gone, except for Jon, even if he did not have the name. I open the letter and froze:


I want to asked you a favor and I hope the maester at the citadel can help. I recenly discoberd that I m the true born on of Rhaegar Targaryen and  vbcccccvLyanna Stark.  I want you to try and find if there is any documentation of marriage between them.  I can say much in here, I am sending someone who can explain why I want these documents. Please Sam, if you find anyhing give it to Brianne of Tarth. I asked why, tell them  I need the information

Your friend Jon Snow

Lord Commander of the Night Watch

Why would Jon want these documents? I asked myself. But then I read the letter again and I find out why, so Jon is the true born son o Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. While reading the books I got from the forbidden library, I  traducted  a document that states that he annulled  the marriage between Rhaegar and Ellia Martell and he wed Rhaegar and Lyanna in a secret ceremony. Dont worry Jon, I will give them t Brianne, who ever she is, I hope they are usefull to you somewhow. And a few days later, she arrived. I gave her what I had and she explain me what happened at the Wall. Anger and hate took me over for my brothers but Jon's watch was over and he will take back his home. I know he will.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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