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Welcome. I have to put a disclaimer on this book. There will be be talk of anxiety, depression, eating disorder and self hate and if that makes you uncomfortable then I recommend that you do not read this. If you are looking for help then may read if you choose.




a lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition).

When I first found out about the word Anorexia I was incomplete shock because I couldn't believe that people would starve themselves...
I was 14 and for my health class we had to do a power point about Anxiety Attacks, Schizophrenia, and Eating Disorders.. my group got eating disorders.. so I had to the research and as I was reading about Anorexia Nervosa I came to realize that I was pretty skinny.. I was and still am skinny... when my class was making the power points I stopped eating.. the only thing I ate that week was a jolly rancher.. no one noticed because I wear oversized shirts, sweatpants, and my iconic jacket around my waist.. I hadn't eaten anything for 8 days and I was surprised that I wasn't dead yet... the day my class had to do the  presentations I was in the corner of the class waiting to leave.. when I was reading the board for Bulimia Nervosa I was scared that I might pass out in front of the whole class but I didn't.. I finished reading and I went back to my seat and waited to leave..
I had finally told one of my friends and he puts his hands onto my waist and gasped.. he instantly hugged and told me I need to eat something or I could die and I told him that was the point.. the next day he sat me down and made me eat and I was beyond disgusted because I knew that he put weight on me..

Thank you for reading this. I'm deeply sorry if you were triggered by this but know that I am getting better as I write this. I hope you have a good day/ night. Bye

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