Just One Night ~19~

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Hey Wattpad!!

As usual, WOW. Seriously, you guys are freaking awesome. I woke up this morning and I'm on page TWO of the Teen Fiction list!:D You have no idea how happy that makes me!:D

I love that you all hate Kate (hehe, it rhymes!)!!!:D I've never seen so many people hate one person:P

So, here's the next chapter!!:D

Dedication is because she made the AWESOME banner on the side!:D

And good luck to @Hyperactive_Nadia in her rounders tournament tomorrow:))


Kate gasped. “You wouldn’t.” She repeated, as though trying mainly to convince herself.

I smirked. “I would if I have to. I don’t want any part of you and Michael’s life, and I swear I’ll do whatever it takes to stay out.”

“It’s Robert!” Kate snapped.

I just smiled a little more. I loved having leverage over her. “Whatever, he’s still the douchebag who ruined my family.” I said, the smile staying on my face.

“Listen here,” Kate said, and I knew she’d finally realized, after all this time, how little she meant to me. She was my college tuition, that was it. “You have so  much potential to be something amazing. You could be famous without even trying. You are throwing away a great opportunity!”

I laughed. “Yes, because almost everyone gets discovered from Michigan.”

Kate seemed to make some sort of half-nod with her head, before stopping herself. “There are many talent agencies there! More than Texas probably.” She said.

“Sure, Kate. Whatever makes you feel better. Now, are you ready to leave yet?” I asked. Surely that had to be everything.

“For now. I’ll be in touch though, and I will do whatever I have to do to bring you to safety, with me.”

“You beat me when I was four years old! Jesus Christ, you have issues!”

“I already told you it was an accident.” Kate sighed, sounding desperate.

“An accident is a smack on the butt. When you used me as a punching bag and gripped my arms so hard they turned blue, that was assault. I should have told dad the second he got home, but you acted all innocent in front of him and swore it was the ten year old kid across the street. I remember that, because you said it while holding my leg in a way that almost broke it. So, still sticking with that story?” I asked, tears again pooling in my eyes.

This time I was crying in frustration. The anger had built up so much that yelling wouldn’t be enough. I almost needed to cry. Or hit something.

But since I was stuck in hospital, hitting something wouldn’t be able to happen for a while.

“It was one time, therefore it was an accident.” Kate said, as though that finalized everything. I just rolled my eyes. I was tired, hurting, and wanting her the hell out of my room. “Now, I love you. Call me when you get out of here.”

“I’ll text, if that.” I compromised.

Kate just shrugged, and finally left.

I slowly leant back, finally relaxing. I needed a doc in here, and I needed a hell of a lot of pain meds.

More importantly, I was ready to go home.

The first sign that something was wrong, was that I hadn’t seen Cam in three days. I’d been stuck in the hospital for a couple more days (missing the first day back at school after Spring Break), and in those two days, Cam hadn’t come by once. He had ignored the one and only call I’d made when I got out, and my pride had forced me not to call him again. I would not become one of those girls who freaked over where their boyfriend was, and call them fifty million times.

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