Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Cameron's POV: 

                     I hang my head off the side of my dads arm chair just thinking. I'm so confused. I'm not supposed to have feelings! They are a weakness according to dad and Mycroft. I I mean I can't be in love with Dillion. Can I? 

                          "Summer time Saddness" by Lana Del Ray began to sing from my phone breaking my train of thought. (A/N: Texts in bold) 

 Hello Angel, how are you-DM 

                       Its Dillion. Oh god what do I say? What should I do? I began to panic but only slightly. I quickly calmed down for the simple fact that I am a Holmes. I should not be afraid of some BOY. Especially a Moriarty boy. 

Fine, U-CH 






I'm Bored-DM


                     I herd my phone buzz again but this time it wasn't Dillion. 

Hey, Sherlock and John wanted me to check on you. Are you okay? Do you want me to come over?-Lestrade 

                   Oh god what should i say? If Lestrade comes over he might get suspicious about Dillion, but if I say I'm fine he might come over anyways. Uggghhhh, why's my life so damn complicated! Just as I was about to respond to Lestrade, Dillion texted back. 

I have something to tell you. Meet me at the cafe in 15 minutes.-DM 

                    I could tell by the way he said it that this wasn't a question, and I was still in my pajamas! I scampered to my room, which was technicly Sherlocks room, pulling on my ripped skinny jeans, and my almost knee high, grey converse boots before running to the bathroom to find my white tanktop. Ten minutes later I was running out the flat, grabbing my navy trench coat whilst trying to tame my rushly brushed curls from blowing in my face. 

                    As I walked down the street toward the cafe in noticed Mycrofts car past me and head toward 221B. Shit, Lestrade must have called him. I practicly sprinted to the cafe hoping mycroft hadn' t seen me. 

                   The smell of coffee and chocolate hit me immediatly as I entered the cafe. It didnt take me long to locate Dillion at our usuall table but with a troubled look on his face. Iwalked toward him whilst checking him out. He was wearing a grey v-neck that was slightly tight on his chest and arms enhancing his mustles. His light wash jeans ended at his ankles wear his black vans began. His mouth grew into a smirk as I sat down and said immediatly, 

"I saw you checking me out, Love. Hope I look as good to you as you do to me." 

                      He winked making me shiver as I replied, 

"Thanks I guess? So, what did you want to talk about?" 

                     The sudden change in subject made him frown. I really needed to hurry and get back to Mycroft but his facail expression told me we might be here awhile. 

"Well," he began,"I havent been totally honest with you and I know you havent been totally honest with me." 

                         I gulped slightly, he knows. We sat there in silence waiting for one of us to speak. Finally, he said, 

"Cameron, I think I'm begining to grow feelings for you, but I'm to dangerous for you to be with," he looked down at our intwined hands resting on the table, "My last name is Moriarty. My father is Jim Moriarty, consulting criminal. He is a dangerous man and has many enemys. As his son, his enemys are my enemys and they can use you against me," a tear slid down his cheak,"If anything happened to you I would never be able to forgive myself." 

                                I wiped the tear away with my thumb and lifted up his chin. I smiled and just said what I felt, 

"I think I'm begining to grow feelings for you too Dillion," I began, "and honestly  it's scaring the crap out of me. I'm not supposed to have feelings. I'm supposed to be a heartless sociopath like my father. My father is Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective. Your dad's arch nemisis. I am Cameron Holmes, bein with you is the most dangerous thing I've ever done, and I couldnt care less." 

                           At that moment I don't think either of us cared we were supposed to be enemys. That we were supposed to be the replicas of our parents when they died. We didnt care our names were Moriarty and Holmes. Our love was forbidden but that made it even more exciting. 


Hey everybody todays my BIRTHDAY and I'm also in Boston for the next week or two sooooooo the updates might be alittle slow but i will update. Dont give up on me yet! Anyways please vote if you like the book and comment your thoughts or ideas if you have any. Seriously I'd LOVE to hear them and if you'd like to follow me on Instagram or twitter my names are at the bottom. 

                                Toodles!!! -AR  

INSTA- Alexis_jade281

TWITTER- Lexie0628

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