Silent Crying

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Gone were the lights of day...
Night has fallen and here I'm all alone to stay...

What was I planning, that I'll be getting the prettiest delight...
And here I'm laying on the bed, facing the loneliest night...

Pain, remorse, regret came creeping and seeping right into my heart...
But I realized when had they left? It was in continuation and not about to start...

Yes, this feeling never leaves me no matter how hard I try...
But it gets more pronounced at night waiting all day long like a known spy...

I do not know where I went wrong to get this from my life...
The feeling never abandones me hovering around my neck like a knife...

Well, had that been the case, it would be much better I thought...
It would kill me once and for all, not haunting me all the time from which I fought...

No, I hadn't weapons with me, not that I was fighting a person...
I already was having the worst time, how could worst even worsen?

My days had turned into something so much fearsome...
But then nights were worse, even more gruesome...

I would trade my life now only to know it all was a nightmare...
But I know this hollow feeling was Stark real, looking towards me with a deadly glare...

Oh God! Have pity on me, what's this feeling eating me up...
No fairies would be coming for my rescue, for taking me up...

I had put all my strength only to get failure in return...
How could I even fathom, the already unpredictable destiny's this blind turn...

Whom would I cry my heart out, like a melancholy?
How much I want my old self back, happy and jolly...

Happy? The word seems so distant now...
This urge to scream aloud has been so persistent now...

But all that escapes my mouth is a soft sob...
And I cover my mouth as soon as I hear the kinkling of the door's knob...

I'am strong, don't pity me, mind your own stuff is all a pretense very tough...
I would cry alone but when someone catches me then, "I just have cough"...

Why would I dedicate every ounce in me for that unachievable thing...
All my life does now is to mourn, when I dreamed it would sing...

Here my eyes habituated to house big, really big dreams...
But now all they do is to birth narrow, tiny salty water streams...

Was this the day I dreamed for?
Obviously not! It's far from what I had wished for...

How I wished for an endless flight and kiss every edge of the sky...
And here I'm with my broken wings, and my dreams seems a big lie...

Why won't life let go of it's wicked prying...
With which it presented me with my silent crying...

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