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Jungkook stared at his ceiling, lost in his thoughts as he awaited Hoseok's drunk call. Jungkook had a little routine for whenever his roommate would go out.

He would watch some anime, get some food to eat and usually by this time Hoseok would've called him saying he needs a ride home or at least give him a warning that he's bringing someone home, but today, today Jungkook hadn't got any message or been called anytime by the infamous drunk Jung Hoseok.

It worried him. Although he would never admit it in his lifetime, he cares about Hoseok. He always has had a special connection with him, maybe it was because of the fact he was Jungkook's first roommate and now one of his closest friends, or maybe it was because he saw him as more than a friend, who knows? But all I can say is that when Jungkook finally got a call from Hoseok, he was more than relieved.

"Fuuuvvkkking hell Tae!" Hoseok's voice boomed through the phone as soon as Jungkook answered, "Oh, wait, shit he answered!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and placed his phone on speaker setting it down right next to him on his bedside table.

"Whoooo Hoseok?" Another voice uttered. Jungkook assumed this voice belonged to the infamous Kim Taehyung. 

Kim Taehyung, in Jungkook's mind, was a self-centered playboy who just wants to lead you on, fuck you, and then break your heart. And he wasn't completely wrong, that's exactly what Taehyung did. Well, sober put together Taehyung did. Drunk off his ass Taehyung was a completely different person.

"Kookyyy asnweredd,"


"Noo Kookie!"



Jungkook could hear the two bickerings but decided not to interfere with their petty arguments. He simply spaced out and messed with the end of his shirt until the two had gotten sorted out.

"Hiii Jungcock!! We need a rideeee!!" Taehyung had taken Hoseok's phone and screamed into it. Jungkook scoffed at Taehyung's drunk voice that sounded through the phone.

"Okay, Taehyung, where are you guys?" He got back up and grabbed his phone off the nightstand.

"Uh, Oh! It's the bar by the that theee hot girl's house." Taehyung giggled to himself.

"Is it by a McDonald's?" "Yah! Woow how did you know?"

"Magic. I'll be there in ten." Jungkook hung up the call and grabbed his keys off the nightstand.

He slipped his shoes on before leaving the apartment. Making sure to lock the door behind him before he hopped into the elevator and headed downstairs. He awkwardly stood there as some girl wandered in throwing him a wink.

After what seemed like forever to Jungkook, which was only actually a couple of floors, the elevator finally reached its destination, the first floor.

Jungkook left the building and hurried to get into his car, well Hoseok's car technically. Although Jungkook seemed to use it way more than him.

Jungkook began the short drive to the bar Taehyung had informed him that they were at.

When Jungkook arrived at the bar he didn't know what to expect, for drunk Hoseok is famous for being a bit of a prankster.

Luckily, all Jungkook got when he arrived was two complaining, ferret-like, drunk, man babies.

As Jungkook pulled up to the bar in Hoseok's black jeep he saw the two completely wasted boys. They stood there messing around with each other not noticing that Jungkook has parked the car right in front of them.

Jungkook couldn't help but admire Taehyung for a second. Even if he was just an asshole who likes to play with people's feelings, he still was extremely attractive to Jungkook. He couldn't help but stare for a little. It's okay to like someone's looks, but hate their personality, right?

  Jungkook rested his elbows against the car's steering wheel. He jumped in surprise when the car's horn sounded alerting the two drunks He was there. He groaned before getting out of the car to help the two into the car. He went up to Hoseok and wrapped his arm around his torso in an attempt to stabilize him.

He was able to somehow manage to get Hoseok into the backseat before closing the door on him.

Taehyung didn't hesitate to open the car door and jump into the jeep. Like literally jump into the car, earning a few strange looks from the family that had just exited the McDonald's across the street.

Jungkook slides into the driver's seat before reaching underneath his seat to pull out a water bottle.

"Sober up." He chucked the water bottle forcefully onto the two boys in the backseat.

A groan left Taehyung left mouth as he held his arm "Ow, that mutherfuwkin hurt, you ass!" He complained, flipping the driver off.


Okay, guys, I am so sorry this chapter is all over the place and is terribly written. I realized I hadn't updated in a while and just rushed to write this chapter.

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