chapter 1

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dear diary,

Today is my first day at my new school and im really nervous. I have to get up at like 6 am because we live so far away. I used to have to get up at like 7. Not to mention that I have no friends here. I'm sure it wont be hard for me to make friends though I'm a "regulation hottie" in my parents eyes. Well I gotta go, Moms waiting for me at the front door.

I walk through the doors of the high school everyones staring. I peer down at my butt to make sure it doesn't look wrong. It looks fine. So I imagine there just looking at me because I'm new.

I try to find my locker but it's pretty confusing. I asked this one girl if she'd help me and she said that I needed to go ask the nerds for help because that who I belong with.

So I asked one of the nerds and she helped me out. Her name was Nichole, she was very pretty. she told me that she was once apart of the popular crowd but she didn't like it and she became a nerd. I don't blame her.

She also walked me to my first class which was AP Algebra. My teacher, Mrs. Hank, was very generous to me. She understood that being a new student is hard.

When I walked in the class and a few eyes caught my sight. one guy was an orange, curly hair weirdo (no offense to you orange hair people out there you're awesome) one had dark hair and deep blue eyes that matched his shirt.

I was asking Mrs. Hank where to sit and she told me behind Jeremy. As if she was reading my thoughts she corrected herself, "Jeremy please raise your hand." It was the dark hair guy who now had a name.

"So your new here?" Jeremy asked me.

"Yeah..." I replied.

"What's your name?"

"Hazel grace Lancaster"

"Whoa really?!"

"No, I just wanted to see your reaction"

"You're funny I like that."


After my little 'conversation' with Jeremy the rest of the class just bored me to death. It was the usual first day of school talk.

After class I met up with Nichole again and she showed me my locker and my next class. I had like 3 minutes until the tardy bell rang so I decided to write in my diary.

Dear diary,

I'm in my second period class and today has not gone so well..Ive made one friend who's name is Nichole. She reminds me of Katheryn from my old school. Since your my diary I'm sure you remember all about Katheryn and what we went through. Okay, I gotta go some weirdo is looking over my shoulder.

I turn around to see Jeremy peeking over my left shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"I'm trying to sneek a peek at your diary, am I in there yet?"

"No and you probably won't be."

"Okay, so I never got your name, what is it? tell me for real this time."

Just as he said that the bell rang and it was relieved I didn't have to tell him my name.

Most of my teachers didn't even realize that I was new and all of them forgot to take attendance so even after the first day, having every class together, Jeremy still didn't know my name.

When I got home my mom was ecstatic to see me. I don't understand why, I'm just her only child...wait nevermind I know why.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna go up to my room."

"Okay sweetie yell if you need anything."

As I said, I went to my room and watched tv and took a nap


The next day at school sucked just as much as the first one. Jeremy was sitting in the bleachers and he called me over. I decided mentally that if he asked me i would tell him my name. As soon as i got to him he said,''Since you won't tell me your name maybe youll tell Nick.''

''Hi Nick, my name is Samantha." I said to him.

"Oh so that's your name.'' Jeremy said. Then he slid a twenty dollar bill to Nick.

"What was that?" I asked Jeremy

"We had a bet." Said Nick

"On what?'' I asked

"He said your name was Reagan and I said that it had to start with a S" Nick said, even though i was talking to Jeremy.

The bell rang to go to class and Jeremy said he'd walk me.

I felt so weird around him like my stomach got all swirly and i could barely talk with out blushing. The rest of the day went like that but at the end of the day he did something that was so shocking to me...

Authors note: Hii you guys i hope you all like my first chapter of The Diary! i love writing these stories. Even though this is my first one and my first chapter im pretty sure i wont give up on it! i have the whole story set up and when this gets at least like 10 views ill let you all know when i will update chapter 2 sorry for the capitilization errors i dont have it set up on my computer where itll correct that but ill get it soon i hope and im sorry that this chapter is kinda short!


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