Chapter 6

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okay I'm not gonna type this whole thingbut basically Corey, a PCT, asked Sam out for dinner. she said yes even though she has a small crush on Jeremy. Her mom's in the hospital because she cut her finger off. and Sam just got home in her nice, fluffy bed.

I don't hear my alarm blaring and what a pleasant sound that is. I have my date with Corey tonight. I'm so excited. He's texted me over the past couple of days just wondering what I've been thinking about... Honestly all I can think about is him, Corey. He's so sweet and makes my heart melt like butter on a hot summer day.

My phone rips me out of my thoughts about Corey when I hear that I have a text message. The text is from Nichole.

Hey loser, look out your window. -Nichole

Huh? Was all I could think. Was she seriously outside my window?

Curiosity getting the best of me, I look out and she's right there. Literally right outside my window. Just like a best friend should. I open up my window to talk to her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask almost laughing.

"Well you don't expect me not to get you ready for your date do you?" She said, making googly eyes at me in the process.


"Get ready to go shopping. We're leaving in ten. We'll also stop and get breakfast somewhere so don't worry about that."

Yay, great now I get to go shopping until my feet hurt right before my date. All I wanted to do was have a nice, lazy day. But no, I need clothes.

For shopping I decided I'd wear my high waisted black shorts, and a crop top that doesn't show too much skin. and my gold sandals. For my hair I left it in my natural waves so it'd be easier to mess with tonight.

I was getting ready to walk out of the door when Nichole busts through and hits me in the nose with the door.

"Ouch!" I exclaim.

"Oh, Sorry." She said.

"It's fine I'll be okay, let's just go."

The car ride there was really interesting. We sang along to every song we heard, and talked about stuff that didn't matter.

As we stop for breakfast at Chik-fil-a, we head to the mall! The first store we're going to is Rue 21. I personally LOVE this store. When we walk through the door the first thing I notice is a perfect dress. not long but not short, sort of a medium.

The dress was sea-foam green. (I know what your thinking--Cliché right?) Well if its fits that's definitely the dress I'm going to buy. Not even pausing to see if Nichole is coming I practically run to the dress. Grabbing a small and a medium I, again, run to the dressing rooms. Only to realize that they're all locked. Oh yeah, how could I forget? I have to ask someone to unlock them!

Walking up to the register I feel the embarrassment coming.

"You really want that dress don't ya?" The cashier said.

Not even having the dignity to look up I just slowly nodded my head and followed the woman to the dressing rooms. Where she unlocked them for me, thankfully without another word.

I put on the small first and it did NOT fit. I didn't even want to walk out of the dressing room with that thing on. It showed too much cleavage and was up too high on my thigh, I'm sure if I bent over you could see my underwear and well...EVERYTHING.

"How's it going in there? Can I see it?" Nichole asked.

"Heck no!" Is all I screamed back. I can hear her laughing at me. Ugh.

So I'm putting on the medium and it doesn't fit like I want it to either. I'm pretty sure Nichole would kill me if I didn't walk out this time so I stepped out to show her.

"Oh my goodness! It looks great on you." She squealed.

"Well I don't feel comfortable in it at all so I'm not wearing it ." I countered. Nichole looked a little disappointed but she kept her opinions to herself.

I put back on my clothes and decided to look around a bit more considering I didn't really look before. I found an outfit that was coral and had some white birds on it that fit really well and I decided on it.

I was really excited for my date with Corey since I hadn't really gone out with anyone since Jake... Okay, I did not want to start on him because then I'd be an emotional wreck and I would not COULD not explain that to Nichole on the day of my date. So now all I had to do was go home and get some more beauty sleep before my date.


It was 5 minutes before I was supposed to meet Corey, I could not find this freaking diner he was taking about. Using the hands-free thingy on my phone I called him. He picked up on the second ring,

"Hey you okay?" He said in his total hottie voice.

"Yeah, I just cant find this little diner." I said trying to sound delicate.

"Okay where are you?"

"Currently in the parking lot of an old church. Its name is Oak Land Baptist I think." I say trying to hide the worry in my voice. This church is giving me the creeps.

"Okay you went a little too far just turn around go about half a mile and its on the left." He said sounding sincere. He's so cute.

I got to the diner and he was the first thing I saw. He looked dashing, he had on ironed jeans and a dress shirt rolled up to the elbows showing off his wrist muscle (that's what I call it). His shirt was a deep shade of green and it looked absolutely gorgeous on him - if you can't tell I'm really swooned by his outfit.

That's about all that really swooned me though. He was really boring, all he talked about was his ex girlfriend. Seems he can't get over her. When he wasn't talking about her, he was talking about how many girls he gets a date with a week and that I was lucky he asked me out.

Okay, I know you shouldn't judge a person by the first date but... it was terrible and I'm never going out with him again. He was self-absorbed and rude.


I'm getting ready for bed so I get on my phone and check all the social media sites. while I'm on my phone I go through my old texts and see the ones from Jake, I read about five and they're so heart breaking that I cry myself to sleep.

A/N: Okay so how was this chapter?? how did yall like nichole taking sam out? how do you like corey? and who do you think jake is? okay love yall! comment and vote!!

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