Chapter One

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"Get up." A voice said in Sam's head as he woke up.

Sam looked around confused and dazed as he took in his surroundings. He was lying to his side in a wrecked vehicle and blood poured down from his forehead. He tried to look up but found he couldn't because of his seatbelt. "What is going on?" He thought to himself as he tried to get out of the vehicle. He couldn't remember anything at all. He struggled to free himself of the seatbelt as it was jammed. He looked around for something sharp to cut it and found a large knife strapped to his side. Sam reached up and sliced through the seatbelt quickly and freed himself. He tried to look out the window but his view was prohibited by clumps of an unusual substance clinging to the glass surface. He tried the handle but it stayed still and unmoving. Sam groaned and kicked the door open and it swung open with a large thud. As he fell to the ground he gulped in a breath of cool air. After a few seconds he rose to his feet and looked around only to find himself in an even worse predicament. He stood on a street that was covered in craters and crumbling buildings. Glass and Steel covered the ground in front of him, vehicles where overturned and small fires raged in the distance.

"What the hell is happening." Sam said as he spun around looking for something familiar but found nothing.

He looked at the vehicle he was in and almost threw up. Two bodies riddled with bullets lied on the ground near it and another body was impaled on a sharp piece of metal in the car. One of the bodies had a AA-12 lying next to it covered in blood. Sam reached down and grabbed the gun and swung it across his chest. That's when it happened: A strange noise came from behind Sam and he quickly spun around. Standing in front of him was a man shaped creature covered in blood and dirt. It was missing an arm and it stared at Sam with feral eyes, emotionless and hungry. The Creature leaped at Sam and growled at him, its teeth where rotted and most were missing. Sam struggled with the Creature as it viciously tried to bite at him. Sam freed his left arm and swung up, stabbing the Creature in the head. The Creature cried out then crumpled to the ground, dead. Sam stepped back in horror and disgust, he had killed this thing whatever it was and he felt no remorse for this. "Who am I?" Sam wondered to himself as he stared at the bloody knife in his hands. He looked at his surroundings once again but still he remembered nothing. He would find out what was happening and who he was if it was the last thing he did Sam swore to himself as he started towards what lied ahead; uncertainty.

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