Mike's Mystical Mania

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Finally he found the witch. That meant it was only a matter of days before he finds his mermaiden. His saviour. His love.

"Ah, I see you have finally made it, pirate."

"Aye, I have. So, witch. You must know what I am here for."

The witch smiled, her hideous left eye glowing an acidic purple in the light of the nearby fire.

"You wish to find the mermaid who rescued you. But may I ask why?" She chuckled. "Why would you go after a mermaid when you can snatch the heart of any girl with a twitch?"

"Because she snatched mine."

The witch grinned widely, revealing some missing teeth. "But you must know that there will be a heavy price to what you desire?"

"Aye, that I do. And I'm ready for it."

"I want your devillish good looks." She tilted her head. "Would you be willing?"

"I am willing to pay any price."

"Very well. You shall have what you wish. But remember, unless you find her and have her fall in love with you in a week, you will not remain in that state. You will become a man again. And you will stay hideous."


When he first came to, Mike could not feel anything but searing hot pain in his lungs. But when he felt the water around him and the absence of two limbs, the pain was almost forgotten.

Almost, because how was one to forget a pain one feels when breathing? Every breath felt painful. But this was bearable. As long as he is able to meet his mermaid.

And it seemed that the witch was extra generous as she had transported him straight to a kingdom.

Mermaids and merman swam and played. Fish moved about as though very used to the abundance of half-humans. It wasn't much different from the human world. There were houses with locks on their doors and gardens and a vast green area where some merpeople were swimming around or resting on.

Mike wasted no time in trying to find his mermaid. Afterall, he only had a week. But whenever he tried to approach anyone, they belched and swam away as fast as they could.

He tried for two days, asking, begging everyone. "Please tell me where I can find the mermaid with ruby eyes and emerald hair!"

It wasn't until a disgusted merman finally told him. "Fine, fine! The mermaid you seek is Princess Irene, Daughter of King Kostas. Now will you please leave my neighbourhood?"

Mike was so elated. Two days of breathing fire and enduring humiliation and he was going to see his beloved.

But now that he realised his hideous face was a great issue that would keep people from listening to him, he had to think of a way to make them hear what he had to say.


"I would like to request an audience with the King."

Whispers arose around him as he stated this in front of the castle gates.

'Its the hideous merman who came the other day..'



"And who do you think you are to demand such a thing?" Said a merman who looked to be someone with a high level rank.

"My name is Mike and I would like to discuss a matter regarding a Princess Irene." He said with a voice, raspy with the painful breaths.

Mike's Mystical ManiaWhere stories live. Discover now