Chpt. 1 ~ Hair.

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First part of some derj stuff, hope you'll like it!
Have a nice day. ~


That day was, probably, the best day of Daron's life.

The boys reunited to Serj's house to put some things together for a new project, and they stayed there for the entire morning.
Talking about lots of stupid stuff, actually.
It was 3.00 pm when Shavo stood up from the sofa, looking at his phone.

-Ah guys, I gotta go..
-Where you have to go my love~?
Daron got moved away from his sit by the bassist, who kept him partially on his legs for almost an hour.
-Your ass is heavy, sweetie!
Shavo looked at him with a smirk, taking away his phone.
-You lying, my ass is pretty awesome.
Daron looked up to him, making everyone laugh.

Serj looked at the boy on the sofa, hiding a smile.

-By the way, I need to prepare some things for this night, I'm gonna visit my cousin.
Shavo smiled through his words, putting on his jacket.
-Oh, is he ok? We haven't heard about him since some years.
John stretched a bit and turned off his cigarette, looking at his friend.
-Yeah, yeah,, he's doing pretty good, thank you!

-Have fun, dude..!
Serj smiled at him too, going to the door to accompany him out.
-Thank you so much, call me if you got something interesting.
He followed him, putting on his old cap.
-Bye guys!
-Bye bye!~
-Have a good time..
John made eye contact with him, showing a tender smile.
He went out a while later, as Serj closed the door behind him and came back to the living room.
-..I miss my man...
Daron made a broken face, and slowly lied down on the sofa, with a hand on his forehead.
John laughed a bit, standing up to go in front of him.
-I can be your new man!
-Oh, and will we marry?
-Yes, of course, if you make me sit.
The smaller left a bit of space, as he went to look where the other was.

-Come here, too!
He said when he found Serj at the table, reordering some papers.
-Yeah, I'm coming,,
-What if we watch some TV?
John looked at the controller, taking it.
-Yes, of course... I'm just, yeah,, I want to add something on this part..
Serj mumbled, distracted.
-Alright man.
The other turned on the TV and relaxed a bit, with his head on the sofa' backrest.

Time passed fastly.

Serj got very focused on his work, Daron fell asleep, and John stayed on his phone for a lot, till he had to go, too.
He walked due to Serj, slowly.
-Hey, I'm going..
The man below boggled a bit, awaken from his thoughts.
He looked up to the other, with his glasses on;
Round, delicate glasses which turned his eyes into something even more adorable than what they already were.
-Oh, I'm sorry.. I didn't notice about the time...
-It's ok dude, don't worry about it.. I think there's something worse, there.
John smiled, pointing to the sleeping Daron.
Serj laughed silently, nodding a bit.
-I'll take care of him..

John went away, and the other man looked outside for a bit; It was already pretty dark.
He turned off the TV once inside, and left the other boy rest, looking at him for a bit.

Daron's always been so cute when he was asleep.
Serj thought he really looked like an angel sometimes, and always repressed the fact that he was pretty attracted to him.
But he didn't stop himself from stroking his hair, that time.
He let his hand caress one lock of his hair with the softest touch he could give, before exit the room, going to the bathroom.

He decided to take a fast shower, in order to slide away the tiredness with some water.

Daron woke up some minutes later.
He looked around with a sleepy face and messy hair, but didn't find anyone, there.
He decided to went to the bathroom after a while, feeling the need to wash his face.
But he probably didn't notice the light on, because he carefreely opened the door, and immediately met Serj's eyes.

-Oh! I'm sorry!..
Daron looked away, surprised.
-Hey! Uh, it's ok, you don't bother me..
The taller man was drying his hair with a towel; another one was bounded to his waist, in order to cover him.
-I-I'm.. I just, needed to wash my face,,
Daron looked at the man for a second, blushing a lot, and fastly moved his eyes to the ground, biting his lip.
-Oh, of course, go ahead.. Did you sleep well?
Serj made a tiny smirk, looking at his own curls going everywhere on his face, then.
Daron opened the sink, putting his hands under the water.
-Yeah, thanks..
He said before starting to wash his face, while bending a bit in front of the sink.

His mind couldn't ignore the fact that Serj was there without any clothe on, maybe watching him.

That was actually true, though.
He looked at him sometimes, noticing his struggle to keep his hair out of the water. The curls weren't really collaborative by the way, and slid from his neck to his face all the time.
-Lemme help.
Serj went to him in a sec, taking his locks up with a fond smile.

-Oh, t-thanks..
He stopped for a moment, looking up to the mirror to meet the other eyes.
Serj was looking at his own hands, calmly. His long hair were resting on his skin, some of them still wet.
The smaller found him lovely.
-You're fine.
The taller took a step toward him, holding his hair into a morbid ponytail.

Daron finished very fastly, and dried his skin with a random towel.
His sight hit the mirror again, and his cheeks showed a bright red; Serj was playing with his hair.
The boy tried to keep himself quiet, but finished to giggle in embarrassment.

-I'm sorry, but your hair are so beautiful, so soft. Yes yes.
Serj went even closer to him, and lied a kiss on his head.
-M-man... This is not very,, uhm, "straight", y'know?
Daron went on with his mild laugh, blushing and blushing.
-..Who said I am?
The other too started to laugh, and went to his towel so he could go on with drying himself.

-W-what? Are you serious?!
Serj paused for a while, looking down.
-Well, uh, actually,, yes, I'm not straight.
-..Oh, sorry..
Daron swallowed, and stayed still.
-It's ok, that's actually why you guys never saw me with a girl.
He chuckled, blushing a bit.
-That's pretty good for me, yeah!..
Daron said, whispering.
The other turned to him, surprised.
-Oh! No, n-nothing!!
The smaller smiled nervously, and took some steps backwards, before running out of the room.
Serj followed him, and finally grabbed his arm after a little.
-Ah! Leave me alone!
The smaller wriggled a bit, with his voice trembling.
-C'mon, I need to know!
Serj stopped him with a hug.
-I need to know what you meant...

Daron sighed; it felt so good, standing in his arms.
-You see, I'm.. Me too, I like boys.
Words came out slowly, through his fluttering lips.
-And I,, well, I pretty like you... I like you, Serj..
He punched the tall man's chest, looking down.
-Y-you mean..
Serj blushed, feeling his heart melt.
The smaller' head moved for a yes, and hid his face in his chest.

-..I've never noticed it.
The taller smiled widely, hugging his friend tightly.
-Oh,, really..?

Daron got suddenly picked up by the other, thing that made him look so clumsy.
-Serj! What are you doing?!
-Bringing my crush to the bedroom.
-Oh, my..
Daron covered his face, so small compared to the other.
-What's wrong? Don't you want to?
The boy giggled.
-Serj.. You're still naked!~

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