So I did this with one of my friend Alesha cause we were bored and so I hope you enjoy it as much as we did writing this!!!!!!!!
1. Talk to your poster and act like it is going to talk back.
2. Sing along to your fav. band and sing the lyrics backwards in an accent.
3. Call pizza hut and pretend your from Canadian. (no offence to Canadians)
4. Prank call random people on someone else's phone.
5. Play with your pet and act like a farm animal.
6. Go to your bathroom and open and close your toilet.
7. Jump up and down on your bed and say the alphabet backwards (don't get in trouble)
8. Play with your arm hairs (nooo pinching)
9. Kiss your TV 27 times (Nooo french kissing allowed)
10. Draw a picture and give it to your neighbor with a awkward glare.
11.Take a soccer ball and throw as far as you can screaming my brother lost his ball.
12. Type in random things in goggle (never type in oogle NEVER) we are not responsible for what you see.
13. Draw a random picture of a person and give it to the house behind you and say it looks like you and wiggle your eyebrows.
14. See if you can eat 12 salt crackers in a minute without drinking anything.
15. Scream at your wall for peeing on you.
16. Fill your room with balloons and try to walk in it 15 minutes without popping them.
17. See how many glasses of water you can drink in 15 minutes without peeing yourself.
18. Lick your best friend 10 times (see how big of a glare you get)
19. Scream at the floor because it walked on you.
20. Dream smiling faces on your toes and put one frowning face.
21. "GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
22. Have a staring contest with a hot guy on your computer.
23. Go to a random room in YOUR house and sniff the floor for no reason.
24. Stalk random famous people on twitter.
25. Hit yourself in the face with a pillow 30 times.. PS we are not accountable for injury's.
26. lightly tap your head against the wall 27 time be careful don’t break the wall. We are not responsible for your bruise.
27.Go on Tumbler.
28. Write your crushes name 30 times. PS don’t let anyone see it or your crush see it.
29. Cook a waffle and make a smile face out of it.
30. Wait till your friends sleeping and draw a funny face on her/him.
31. Scream into your pillow at midnight and hope you don’t wake up anyone.
32. Ding dong ditch 7 different houses.
33. Stay up until midnight and call one of your friends and say you just saw a ghost and now you can’t sleep.
34. Empty a plastic bottle and full it with just a little bit of air then twist the bottom of it but make sure the cap isn’t very tight and while twisting the bottom, then watch the cap fly. We are not responsible if you break something.
35. Watch Supernatural. PS. PUDDING (if you are a fan of Supernatural then you will get it).
36. Watch funny moments of your favorite movie or show.
37. Feed ducks. But if there's a No Feeding Ducks Sign please don't do it and get in trouble.
38. Squirt lotion all over yourself. Don't make a mess.
39. Make a sailor hat out of paper and pretend to the captain of your own boat.
40. Pancake smiles out of whipped cream.
41. Take 30 pictures of yourself and make a collage.
42. Talk into a moving fan. Don't get to close.
43. Talk in a British accent, if your already British then talk in a American accent.
44. Make your fashion show with your best friend or dog/cat.
45. Go outside and scream bloody murder then go back inside. Make sure the cops are not coming.
46. Plan out your wedding plans. But if your a guy don't even try it.
47. Take two types of toilet paper and wet the middle of both and then place a quarter on the wet spot and see which one holds up better.
48. Jump up and down on your bed naked. (PS make sure the door stays closed.)
49. Go act like Stewie Griffin and keep calling for your mom 10 times then when she blows up and screams WHAT you say Hi then giggle and run out of the room.
50. Make something out of dupe tape.