Sessions with Lecter

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Two weeks Hannibal had waited to have a simple conversation with Will Graham. Two weeks of guess work and deductions, although as fun as it was, he had decided simple talks wouldn't seem like enough to really  get to know Will. So Hannibal had come up with the perfect way to provoke Graham; twisted as it were, the body of Abigail Hobbs was easy enough to steal after the guards had been chloroformed and their passes stolen. Luckily the homicide department hadn't learned of Garret Jacob's cabin just yet, and the setting of the antlers was much too tempting to not put to use. Symbolism, elegance, was all much more important than suffering: he hoped Will could perhaps look past his own suffering and see the crime scene the way it was meant to be seen. A form of art. Mounting the petite body smoothly at a far side wall, Hannibal enjoyed taking his time with the simple project.
Creating his design.

When he had found William sprawled beside the bed, he couldn't help but feel exited. He had built up to this moment in his head, keeping the eagerness hidden behind a blank mask he had perfected over the years in order to never betray his true emotion. Following his hesitation, Lecter started to read the patient: 
whilst residing the events of Will's stabbing, Will showed no interest in making eye contact except on the occasion where he spoke of his pets. The moment Abigail Hobbs was mentioned William seemed to loose himself in thought, it didn't seem that he noticed this though. Disassociation is a clear sign of psychological trauma. Strange for someone with such a fragile sanity to put himself in damaging situations and carriers. Self destructive behaviour. Anxiety. All boxes checked off for someone with an empathy disorder. Those impossibly blue eyes could see through any man, know them, understand them, see them... uncomfortable gift to have when the only people Will gets close to are killers. His gut instinct was right; this was an opportunity. 

Which returns us to the present moment. The day after their first interaction, Will had asked for the Doctor early that morning for his opinion and advise on a case handed to Will by the large man who visited the night before. At first it seemed like unusual behaviour for a man who prefers isolation to human company; and then an amazing thought came to mind.

What if Will's talent in profiling killers, made him subconsciously attracted to them?

It was an exhilarating thought. A wonderful opportunity for manipulation. Hannibal knocked on the wooden door, waiting for permission to see the empath provoked. A low mumble granted him access. Will was sat up right in his heap of linen sheets, glasses magnifying his dark circles, head of ruffled curls poking in all directions. 
"Restless night I presume?" commented Hannibal as he drew out a chair to join William in sitting. 
"I've slept for two weeks straight, a few restless nights won't hurt" Will mumbled. It wasn't a rude remark, simply defensive sarcasm. 
"Regardless, if insomnia keeps you up please feel free to ask one of the nurses for a sleeping pill." 
"Getting to sleep... is not the problem, it's just something else" of course Hannibal knew that it was the nightmares that kept Will from sleep. But he didn't know what it was William dreamt of.
"You know, I am a fully qualified psychiatrist as well as a surgeon; you can speak to me about it if you'd want." Will looked up at Hannibal in a shy glance.
"So I've heard from the nurses. Thank you, Doctor but I can't afford therapy, and I personally don't think it would work on me. I know all the tricks." 
"Well then let us have friendly conversations, perhaps it can still be helpful to you Mr. Graham" 
"Please, call me Will. I prefer it. As to the reason I had asked for you, I need an outsider's input; my mind has been too foggy lately and I've heard you're a brilliant psychiatrist and philosopher. Perhaps you could put your input on profiling a potential killer, if you don't mind?" What a precious attempt he had made to sound polite for Hannibal. He appreciated the effort, liking the fact William had asked for him, and no one else. A smile creeped up on his face.
"Of course. I'd be honoured to help an officer of the law. What is crime?" Will handed him the file, photographs of Hannibal's work lay loosely in-between the papers. 

"So someone stole the body of Abigail Hobbs and hung it in her fathers cabin?" Hannibal mocked slyly.
"No, no he displayed her body. This isn't just some random act of violence, this is a theatrical display." Impressive.
"Who is he performing for? What could be the motive?"
"That's where you come in Doctor. I'm pretty sure I have the answer but it's just out of reach."
Bitterness leaked into Will's tone of voice. Was he ashamed of asking for his help?
"Perhaps Garret Jacob Hobbs may have gotten himself an admirer-"
"No, no. This is not admiration." Will had cut Hannibal off. But he was right.
"Well then if this wasn't work of admiration then this display is being used to catch attention" 
This caused Will to perk up.
"That would make sense, yes, perhaps its a message. But what is it saying?! Who is it aimed at... it seems like a very elegant message to write. The man who did this is experienced. Someone who knew how to find and steal a body from a morgue, someone who discovered the cabin before the police had. A man of great intellect and skill. See the puncture wounds from the antlers? Abigail was mounted gracefully, not violently; there was no post-mortem bruising, see?"
"...Which would mean that the man you're seeking is strong enough to mount her, but has no emotional ties to the body or crime. Will, this man must know something we don't. How else would he have known about the cabin?" Hannibal chimed in.
"Good point, Doctor."
"Please, call me Hannibal. We are on friendly terms." This made Will's spaced out gaze focus back to reality. It was clear that the concept of human friendship was new to him. 
"If you feel comfortable with it..." he trailed off. Was that a blush in his cheeks?
"I do. And you say that this is a man of experience. Experience in what? Dead bodies?"
"I'm not sure but, I think this might be a serial killer exposing another."
"Wait, so are you saying Hobbs was a serial killer?" 
Will shrugged. 
"It wouldn't be surprising, don't you think? Hobbs was a hunter with no mental health issues, his stabbing spree could have been homicidal urges he couldn't hold back any longer. The way he had cut his daughter- it was his own way of loving her. It would make sense for him to have 'loved' others before hand." The way Will talked about Hobbs was like he knew it for a fact. Empath to killer.
"If I may say so Will, that is some impressive profiling. I can see you being very valued in your department."
Hannibal loved how Will's feelings were betrayed by his expressive soft face. Complementing him had made the man laugh nervously, which made Lecter feel... something. Something warm bloomed in his cold chest at the sight of William's smile.
"I appreciate the compliment, Hannibal. But honestly I'm only ever useful when it comes to profiling, my skills are limited to my knowledge. The other cops are much more skilled in the field than I am."
"That shouldn't mean your unique skill-set should go unappreciated; Will, could I ask a question that might be uncomfortable? Why did you let Hobbs slash you like that." Silence. Ticks and tocks of the clock invaded the quite until, Will replied:
"I... got lost in my head- in his head... I couldn't control when I associate my mind with killers..."
Hannibal leaned closer to Will and lowered his voice,
"And being in the mind-set of Hobbs, why did you get slashed?"
A solemn voice replied, 
"Because... I wanted to see what would happen."

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