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43.2M likes  602.8k comments
BTS_JIMINPARKOFFICIAL 그녀는 아직 정크비 때문에 화가 나있다. 군대를 기쁘게해라!
/she is still upset because of jungkookie... cheer her up ARMY!/
kimdahyun.24 행복한 y/n-ah...괜을것이다! 화이팅! 사랑해요 😘 /be happy y/n.. it will be okay! Fighting! I love you 😘/
ChoiY/nfanaccount translation please?❤️
Jiminsbaby choiY/nfanaccount   translation: 'she is still upset because of Jungkook. Cheer her up ARMY!' ❤️there go ❤️
ChoiY/nfanaccount jiminsbaby Thankyou! 😍😘❤️

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@ ChoiY/n_official

 @ ChoiY/n_official

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15.9M likes  827.6K comments
ChoiY/n_official can't be fucked right now. I love you @  nayeonkim_97
Y/nscuteassfan omg.. y/n smokes!? Okay, that's vape never mind HAHA.. wah... why she turned badass.😩😂❤️
Namjoonieee is she okay? I am quite worried for her..she seems to be acting different ever since the fight with kookie... it must have been bad on the live stream huh... bighit removed it when they found out so I missed it. 😭❤️
Nayeonkim_97 y / n, 그들은 알아낼 것이다! 야, 장난 꾸러기 야! 그들은 당신이 vape 알아?!? /y/n, they will find out! yah, you naughty girl! do they know you vape!? /
ChoiY/n_official nayeonkim_97 누가 신경 쓰냐? 나는 더이상 아기가 아니야!? 그들은 항상 나에게 무엇을 해야할지를 말할 수있다. , 우상은 우상이지만 그들은 나를 지배하지 않습니다.        /who cares? i'm not a baby anymore!? they can always tell me what to do.. yes im an idol but they have not that much control over me/
BTS_YOONGIMINOFFICIAL 지금 당장 내 사무실에와. 우리가 얘기해야 해. /come to my office right now. We need to talk./

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