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For as long as I could remember my world had been colored in monotone. No, I wasn't color blind, it was just that everything was dulled. I moved through life like I was fighting against the current of a river. If I stopped moving I would be pulled under and drown. If I wasn't careful I would be swept off my feet and disappear forever. I trudged along the path of life without a goal or ambition to cling to. There wasn't anything left to hold onto. I had already lost everything before I was even here. My parents both abandoned me when I was born. Left me in the hospital to fend for myself in the system. I bounced around a lot but none of the homes I was placed in ever stuck. After my eighth move I sort of just gave up on making friends. It was just to painful to get close to anyone when you know that eventually you would have to leave them behind. Some tried to stay in contact, but eventually the calls became fewer and farther apart. It hurt so much. All I wanted was a family but it seemed that fate was not on my side. It would dangle the hope of maybe, finally, being adopted into a family. To be accepted and loved only for it to be snatched away when they passed me along to the next home. I entered an old convenience store on the corner and grabbed a couple candy bars and a coke before bringing it to the counter.

"Hey kid, what'chu doin' out this late?" The old man who ran the shop asked. He was a nice man who sometimes gave me some stuff for free. Like slipping me a pack of gum or a candy bar from time to time.

"Nothing much, just going on a walk."

"Be careful and go straight home alright. I heard rumors that them gangs are gonna be goin' at it tonight." I nodded uncaringly. Those sort of rumors weren't uncommon around here.

"Your total is $5.62." I reached into my pocket and handed him the exact amount before taking my stuff and leaving.

"Come again!" I nodded silently before beginning to make my way back to the Tochiko household. They were a nice couple, a little to nice for my tastes, but a better home than most of the homes I had been to so far. Unfortunately they didn't approve of my love of anime saying they were inappropriate cartoons. Needless to say I was slightly offended by that. Thankfully, I only had a little over a month before I turned eighteen and I could move out. I had been saving money since I was like six years old so I had enough to last me a few years probably more. Although I hoped to find a stable job within the first six months.

I was walking across an empty parking lot when I heard something making me freeze. Gunshots? I felt a burning pain in my leg and screamed collapsing to the ground. I'd been shot. The gunshots stopped for a moment and I heard footsteps. I gripped my thigh where the bullet had passed clean through. I was dizzy from blood loss and from hitting my head when I fell. I saw six maybe eight pairs of feet approach me. I couldn't tell with everything being so blurry. I heard the cock of a gun and squeezed my eyes shut as I realized what was going to happen.

'If you're listening big guy. Please accept my request. If I am to die here let me reborn into a family. A family I can love and treasure with every fiber of my being. A family where I can finally be happy.'

The gun went off and I was gone. For the longest time I just floated in this blank space. My memory was fuzzy. Memories of my previous life blurred as if it was a movie I had watched long ago. I tried not to think about it because whenever I did my chest would hurt. I didn't know how long I was there floating when finally I felt a pulling sensation. At first it scared me and I fought against it, but I had a feeling that I shouldn't. I stopped struggling and let the strange sensation pull me until the blackness was replaced by blinding light and the sounds of crying entered my ears. Was that me? My eyelids felt so heavy. With much effort I was able to pry them open slowly adjusting to the light.

"Congratulations Nana-san, it's a healthy baby girl." I looked over with my eyes unable to move my head. I saw a tired yet smiling woman with short brown hair and chocolate eyes. A blonde male walked over to her.

"You did wonderful, Honey." The two looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't place where I had seen them before. "What should we call her?"

The nurse placed me in the lap of who I could now only assume was my mother. She looked down at me with kind loving eyes and I felt my heart clench as a new wave of tears burst forth. I couldn't tell whether or not I was crying from joy or pain. I couldn't even tell why I was crying. It felt like years of pain and loneliness had overflowed and were now falling down my cheeks in the form of tears. I heard my mother shushing me while smiling and slowly the tears stopped as I stared up into her loving eyes.

"Tsunayomi. Sawada Tsunayomi." She smiled.

"Welcome to the family Tsuna." I heard my father say and I smiled.

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