Every day is the same you wake up feeling hopeless and numb and you just know that it's not gonna be a great day it's always the same you go to school and deal with the other kids that actually notice your there cuz Half the time your invisible to the rest of the world your just another broken soul that everyone has given up on fixing. You walk the halls with a smile on your face but nobody can see that it's fake no one sees the tears forming in your eyes no one notices the scars on your wrist no one sees how broken you really are. And when someone dose notice the scars you have you want to tell them you want someone to help you but all you can mange to choke out is "it was the cat" and when someone notice the tears in your eyes all you can do is smile and say "It's nothing I'm fine". You want to tell them the truth and let them know how you truly feel but your scared on what they would think of you afterwards your scared they will call you crazy and run away. You think no one at school cares for you not even your family you think to yourself would they care if you were still alive or not. One day you tested to see if that was true or not you finally had enough of the pain you were sick of crying yourself to sleep a night you were sick of being judged you were sick of being you...so one night you wrote a note letting everyone know what was wrong an how sorry you are for leaving so soon you tell them sorry for disappointing them and how much you loved them you told them not to be sad cuz someday they can see you again when there time has come they can talk again so you finally said Goodbye. After that there was no more pain no more lies no more "I'm fine" no more tears to shed at night no more of anything you were finally happy.