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How feeble minded must one be to think that petty insults will topple my castle. I built this castle with every intent that no dragon while burn the bricks that have been placed meticulously after years and years of labor. Voices were choked out in the void as the screams hurled their way through the darkness while they built. And built. And built. My castle was not meant to fall.

It will not crumble in the hands of the ones whose foundation has not been set. It will not crumble when empty threats pellet the exterior. The armored knights in the front have kept anyone from walking in. My castle was not meant to fall.

Your insults hurt my castle no longer. Once upon a time, when my castle was simply a hut, it would have fallen. You believe that my castle is still a hut. My castle is the overlooking monster that hides under the bridge. It is the ferocious giant that scares you so much, and that why you must try to bring it down. My castle was not meant to fall.

My castle is strong. It took many failed attempts of building to be what it is, but it is now the thing you fear so much. It is so strong, and you are afraid. You are afraid that what once was a hut built with hastiness and straw is now a pinnacle of meticulousness. You will try to poke every hole you can with that pitchfork you call a mouth. You will try to bring it down. My castle was not meant to fall.

They should be scared of my castle, for all it holds in it now is emptiness. It is a cold shiver down your spine as you walk into the gates of a cemetery. It is the wind before the storm blows. It is the fall into the ice that the crack allowed. For if the castle would fall, you would allow the snow to come, and beneath it all, lies only the husk of the owner of the castle.

My castle was not meant to fall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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