The Cherry Blossom Demon

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There once was a beautiful woman with brown hair that flows like a chocolate river. Her eyes were the deepest green almost like emeralds, her name was Sakura. Ever since Sakura was a small child she had a passion for art, she especially loved painting and drawing. As she grew older her passion only grew, all she had wanted to do was art but she had to earn money.

For months Sakura tried selling her paintings, but no one would buy them. She ended up spending the last of her money on more painting supplies and painted until she had no more, her house was packed full with paintings that no one wanted.

After Sakura used the last of her money she had to find someplace to work to earn money so she chose Tsutaya Book Store in downtown Tokyo. She often found herself sketching as she helped people find the book or manga they wanted.

Sakura had been working in the book shop for a little over a year and was now the manager of the store. She was stocking the shelves late at night, the store having already closed when an older woman walked in. The older woman wore an elegant brightly coloured Kimono, showing her wealth. Sakura looked at the woman. "Ma'am we are closed" she speaks gently

"Oh I know sweetheart" the woman said gently back. "You are Sakura correct?" she asked

"Yes, and you are?" she asked softly, climbing down the ladder she was on to get to the older woman.

"Kamota, and I am here to talk to you about your paintings." Kamota says with a small smile.

Sakura's eyes go wide as Kamota mentions painting. "What about them? Would you like to buy them?" she asks quickly, hope swelling up inside her chest.

"I have come to make a deal with you." Kamota spoke with a sweet tone.

Sakura nods, narrowing her eyes a bit. "Deal?" she asked, confusion raising in her voice

"You see I am a demon, and I always will give you what you want and all for just one thing. Your soul. The deal would be, your soul for fame and fortune, recognition of your talent." Kamota explained.

Sakura stared at the Kamota, "You can get me power, fame and recognition.....just for my soul....that's all?" She asked quietly, eyes wide. All she had ever wanted since she was a child could all come true, just by selling her soul.

"That is all Sakura, that is all" Kamota nods and she pulls out a paper from her pocket, as well as a pen. "Just sign the bottom of this paper and we have a deal. Go home paint the first thing that comes to mind and set it in your window. You will wake up and fame will come your way" she explained with a wide smile.

Sakura nods as she quickly grabs the pen and signs the paper after reading it. "We have a deal." she smiles. "Goodnight Kamota" she whispers as the woman walks out of the shop and disappears into the night air.

Sakura quickly closes up the book shop and runs home. She grabs a canvas and starts to paint a tree, but this isn't any tree you see, this tree was one she imagined, flowers that were beautiful and elegant, she called it the Cherry Blossom Tree. She set it in the windowsill just like Kamota told her too before heading to bed.

The next morning Sakura woke up to an angry Kamota next to her bed. She yelped and looked at Kamota. "W-What?" Sakura asked quietly, voice quivering.

Kamota growls. "You didn't please me. That painting is horrible! You shall be punished for not pleasing me!" she screams out in anger, the whole house structure trembling at her strong voice

Sakura ran outside into the forest behind her house and hid from Kamota the best she could. But Kamota found her easily and clapped loudly. Sakura suddenly froze in place and her feet sank into the dirt and stretched out into roots and her body thickened out, becoming rougher and turning into smooth bark. Her arms stretched out into branches, splitting off and creating new ones as well. Then her face and hair sprouted the most beautiful flowers as Sakura was turned into the first Cherry Blossom tree. Now the Cherry Blossoms have become an outstanding beauty of Japan and this angers Kamota still to this day. Be careful who you trust these days.

((This is my short story! If you want me to write anything else about how items came to be I really like writing stuff like this and would be more then happy to! Just message me))

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